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Binge Drinking Trials Riders Out There Be Warned!


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alcoholic drinks don't all taste horrible :)

But it's the alcohol itself I don't like the taste of.


I like baileys, but it has an underlying taste of alcohol, same with kopparberg, same even with cocktails I've drank, which are meant to disguise the taste of alcohol.

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a fad or an accessory that you can't see so they have to blab it about to fit in.

To be fair, it's easier to 'fit in' by drinking/smoking in today's world? Hence there being the whole 'straight edge' thing, 'cos otherwise that'd be 'standard'?

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I don't need to have a drink to have fun on a night out, nor do I drink a lot. To be honest, I probably haven't had a pint in a month?

However, having met people who consider themselves 'straight edge', my opinion of the ones I've met are - they're cocks. They thought they were better than everyone else in the pub, and so they were shunned to the side and ignored (We're talking the kind of people who cup their farts and breath it).

I personally don't have a problem with people calling themselves 'straight edge', but if they try and push it on me - they will get a slap.


And to get back on the actual point of this thread - R.I.P - Any loss is tragic. :(

Edited by Hendrix
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Jd n coke turns me in to a violent mother f**ker, i never drank JD and coke, 1st time i did it ended with me trying to bottle a chav for taking the piss cos i had black hair.

Wierd, JD gives me the best warm, tingly drunk and just makes me really chatty and happy. Only been drunk on it 2ce because I'm a tight mother fooker, I genrally stick to drinking just pints of strongbow on nights out now, as the club I go to most sell it as a pint, tip top value for money and I find my behaviour fairly predictable, I will dance, go mad, strip etc. but still be in control.

Straight vodka gets me mad

Virtually everyone seems to not really like the taste of beer at first, but then keeps drinking it and ends up enjoying the taste

Im quite particualar in what I drink, I have never enjoyed the taste of beer so never drink it, when it comes to drinking games I always say, "look guys I can't do this I'll be sick because I hate the taste" Then they all call me a pussy and that I should take one for the team so i do it and everytime but 1 have ended up being sick, so I guess that kinda reinforces me to hate beer. Cant drink bulmers or magners either, really only strongbow as a pint in a pub.

But I'll drink most shots / shorts, exculding sambuca, because of a very very messy night out, which ended in me being raped by a girl.

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But unlike "SRT" you don't have to show your commitment in any way :P

Uh, except for, like, mentioning it on the forum a couple of times each week? And calling yourself Jonxmack on xbox live. Or getting a huge f**king tattoo across your chest?

Fair play to you Jon, it's completely your choice and you've gone the opposite way to the rest of society.

I can't help but thinking that's the exact reason for doing it. If every f**ker in the country was "straight edge", I reckon Jon would drink.

I know this post is pretty negative. I really don't care what you do - if you like being straight edge then good for you, I certainly don't have a problem with it. Just advertising it seems f**king lame. Mark's vegan analogy is pretty much spot on in my eyes. Or like this woman I met the other day "Oh yah, I'm really eco." She's probably vegetarian and buys organic washing up liquid, before dropping the kids of at school in her BMW X5. Or the person that gives to charity, then lets everyone know about it. Stop thinking you have some kind of moral highground and it suddenly becomes less lame:

something to be proud of in a society where alcohol cigarettes and even drugs are so readily available and not really frowned upon.
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I write it xSTRAIGHTEDGEx because I like to do it that way, thats why.

You say that the odds are I will stop being straight edge once I turn 18 and can legaly drink, but you dont know me, you dont know that I will.

Dont tell me I will "Break edge".

You say I might stop being straight edge when I become a legal drinker, you say the temptation will get the better of me?

Dont tell me that I will give up on straight edge, I wont, I will be straight edge untill the end. I may not have a tatoo on my body like you, I may not put X's on my hands and cross my arms, but I am straight edge, I live the life of a Christian straight edge teenager.

Dont tell me what will happen to me, You dont know me.

Thank you.

It just looks really f**king gay, and makes edge look even more stupid than people already think it is.

Where did I say you'll break edge when you're 18? I didn't. I didn't say the temptation will get the better of you AT ALL, I just said that I've seen it happen to people before, I didn't say YOU'RE GONNA BREAK EDGE WHEN YOU'RE 18! You seemed to read my posts like they were directed at you, they aren't. In fact I said,

I'm not putting an age limit on his lifestyle, and I think it's cool that young kids see the edge lifestyle as a good choice

so lighten up.

I hate it when people who're straight edge think they're better than everyone else.

Where have I implied I'm better than anyone else? I've actually said

I don't have a problem with people who don't live the way I do, and I won't try and force it down peoples throats

To be fair, it's easier to 'fit in' by drinking/smoking in today's world? Hence there being the whole 'straight edge' thing, 'cos otherwise that'd be 'standard'?

Pretty much.

Uh, except for, like, mentioning it on the forum a couple of times each week? And calling yourself Jonxmack on xbox live. Or getting a huge f**king tattoo across your chest?

I can't help but thinking that's the exact reason for doing it. If every f**ker in the country was "straight edge", I reckon Jon would drink.

I know this post is pretty negative. I really don't care what you do - if you like being straight edge then good for you, I certainly don't have a problem with it. Just advertising it seems f**king lame. Mark's vegan analogy is pretty much spot on in my eyes. Or like this woman I met the other day "Oh yah, I'm really eco." She's probably vegetarian and buys organic washing up liquid, before dropping the kids of at school in her BMW X5. Or the person that gives to charity, then lets everyone know about it. Stop thinking you have some kind of moral highground and it suddenly becomes less lame:

Notice I said you don't HAVE to. Yeah I call myself jonXmack on XBL, that's because I'm proud of my decision, again, the tattoo, I've already stated it's for myself, it's not to brag or show off, it's just something that means a lot TO ME. To be straight edge you don't have to do these things, but I am proud of the lifestyle.

Did you actually bother to read my posts? Where I said

I actually gave up drinking in November(ish) '05, but then I got semi drunk on New Years Eve '05/'06, and then when I was walking home at about 2am, with a tiny amount of alcohol in my system, after having a pretty shitty night, and witnessing plenty of people acting like dicks (it was that night that my supposed "best friend" went nuts at me for trying to get on the girl he liked, when in reality we were just chatting, in fact he still owes me £75 from that night, nice one "mate") , it hit me that drinking wasn't enjoyable any more, and it just caused a lot of shit, so I decided to stop. It honestly wasn't until probably about 9-10 months later until I started seriously claiming edge, and over the years as I said previously, it has become more and more important to me.

Why carry on doing something if you don't enjoy it? If everyone in the world became edge, then good for them, it wouldn't make me change my mind and become a drinker, I'm not that fickle. Also I've stated reasons why I started claiming edge, so don't be a dick and try and bring that up again.

I don't claim to have a moral high ground over anyone, I never have and I never will, I don't look down on people who don't drink, I don't see any problem with people drinking, I just choose not to, and I think it's something to be proud of. Sure, you might not, and you might give up drinking and be like, this is easy, what's all the fuss about, good for you, but I don't see why there's a need to aim such huge amounts of negativity towards me.

Seems no one can actually be f**ked to read all of my posts. I don't see where I have claimed moral high ground over anyone, and if you wonder why I'm being defensive, how would you like if it you were the one of a handful of drinkers on the forum, and everyone was giving you shit because of the choice you have made?

EDIT: JT, I forgot to quote you, but I've honestly never been in that situation, and if I was in it, I still wouldn't drink it. I once got offered £100 cash to take a sip from a pint, but I didn't do it. I'm not bragging, I'm just saying that I like to be edge and wouldn't sell out.

Edited by JonMack
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To be fair i don't think Jon has ever bragged about claiming edge, and I think he's only ever posted his tattoo once (that I remember seeing), he's only ever mentioned on some occasions that he doesn't drink usually when the thread is about drinking. I hadn't a clue what straight edge was until this thread. It's not like he has 'strightedge' plastered all over his sig or anywhere else for that matter.

EDIT: JT, I forgot to quote you, but I've honestly never been in that situation, and if I was in it, I still wouldn't drink it. I once got offered £100 cash to take a sip from a pint, but I didn't do it. I'm not bragging, I'm just saying that I like to be edge and wouldn't sell out.

You see this is where I disagree with your decision to become straight edge over just saying 'I don't drink', because normally you could have just taken a sip and then given the 100 to a charity that works with alcholics and / or drug abusers.

(Mind you in saying that if you didn't claim edge you probably wouldn't have been offered that anyway, but my point still stands).

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To be fair i don't think Jon has ever bragged about claiming edge, and I think he's only ever posted his tattoo once (that I remember seeing), he's only ever mentioned on some occasions that he doesn't drink usually when the thread is about drinking. I hadn't a clue what straight edge was until this thread. It's not like he has 'strightedge' plastered all over his sig or anywhere else for that matter.

Thanks, I think I've posted a picture maybe 4 or 5 times, maybe once in happy thread, in tattoo thread a couple of times, probably in post a pic of yourself, and in here, even still, they're all for valid reasons.

You see this is where I disagree with your decision to become straight edge over just saying 'I don't drink', because normally you could have just taken a sip and then given the 100 to a charity that works with alcholics and / or drug abusers.

(Mind you in saying that if you didn't claim edge you probably wouldn't have been offered that anyway, but my point still stands).

If I had taken the money, I wouldn't have given it to charity, I'm not that conscientious.

Edited by JonMack
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Can I be the first to say that this xSTRAIGHTEDGEx chat is getting really tedious now?

Such a lot of "I don't want to offend you, but I think your views are completely f**king ridiculous. Kisses x" arse licking going on.

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Damn, Everyone needs to chill. Give JonMac a break. He'll have no fingers left soon, replying to all this bs.

But let me just comment on this..

To JonMack.

I write it xSTRAIGHTEDGEx because I like to do it that way, thats why. Thats Instantly crys out.."Bellend" LOL

I dont drink becuase I dont like it, I dont like the taste .I dont like what it does to people thats why. Thats only when people choose to drink to much. You can drink without being a total doosh.

Both my parents had alchoholic fathers and have told me stories about what they were like, about their abuse and violence.

Ive been to booze ups and drink soft drinks not booze, Ive seen people passed out and peoples vomit all over the place, and it sickens me, it makes me glad that I dont drink.

Again..Theres drinking and having a good time, and theres drinking and being a twat. Dont get the two mixed up.

People that drink and do drugs tell me that its good that I am straight edge and I get respect, it makes me feel good to have respect. Again, thats Instantly crys out.."Bellend" LOL

Im the only straight edge in my family, the most I have ever drunk at one time was 3 beers at Christmas.Bad man. Your going to hell.

I became straight edge at March this year after the schools Head Boy and Head Girl party where I saw people that couldnt do anything themselves and had their other drunk mates helping them do everything.Again..Theres drinking and having a good time, and theres drinking and being a twat. Dont get the two mixed up. Just because your pre-pubecent teen mates cant handle a few beers, it doesnt automatically mean alcohol is bad for you. Your so f**king narrow minded its untrue.

You say I might stop being straight edge when I become a legal drinker, you say the temptation will get the better of me? Yes.

I say to you it wont, I am a Christian, I am faced with temptations every single day, most of my mates swear like troopers, but do I? Youve never swore? Liar, your going to hell.

My mates break the law, do I? Yes. Im sure youve bashguarded a wall and took a chunk. You Vandal!!

Dont tell me that I will give up on straight edge, I wont, I will be straight edge untill the end. I may not have a tatoo on my body like you, I may not put X's on my hands and cross my arms, but I am straight edge, I live the life of a Christian straight edge teenager.

Dont tell me what will happen to me, You dont know me. Boring.

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But let me just comment on this..

Don't even bother trying to make him see different, he's a hardcore christian who has seen and been part of quite a few real life miracles so you'll never, ever convince him of anything that he doesn't already believe and have faith in.

I still don't see the difference between being 'edge' and just saying no to drink and drugs... It does seem kind of like a faith or religion linked thing but is it more down to a 'scene' incorporating certain types of music etc?

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I still don't see the difference between being 'edge' and just saying no to drink and drugs... It does seem kind of like a faith or religion linked thing but is it more down to a 'scene' incorporating certain types of music etc?

Waiting for someone to quote you some irrelevant bit of a previous post. Pretty much what happened to me when I said the same thing.

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I once got offered £100 cash to take a sip from a pint, but I didn't do it. I'm not bragging, I'm just saying that I like to be edge and wouldn't sell out.

Am I the only 1 who would take a slip of 99.99% of substances which wouldn't kill me for £100? Despise my morals.

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Am I the only 1 who would take a slip of 99.99% of substances which wouldn't kill me for £100? Despise my morals.

I'd be tempted to take a sip of 100% of those which wouldn't kill me, and most of those which would as long as it's just a sip and I have a shit load of water to dilute it with...

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JT: Don't try and claim you would ever give thtat £100 to charity :P You'd think 'result', shove it in your pocket and buy something silly the next day, or maybe even save it, but don't take the charity moral highground on that one.

I've only just realised Boi Maaang is the stupidly argumentative christian guy, for some reason that makes this whole discussion funny :lol:

Am I the only 1 who would take a slip of 99.99% of substances which wouldn't kill me for £100? Despise my morals.

Will you take my challenge for £40 (i haven't got £100 to burn :() for me to send you, in the post, any liquid substance of my choice, which can be a mixture of different things, that won't be poisonous, an you have to take a swig on camera?


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