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Binge Drinking Trials Riders Out There Be Warned!


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Sam, you selectively chose parts of my posts to make it look I was trying to contradict myself, I can't even be bothered to reply to you properly.

Have you ever drunk any alchol?

Ever been drunk?

Tried a range of drinks?

Do you ever miss drinking (just having one)?

Or have you just never come across an alcoholic drink you like?

Would you try someones drink if it was something different or new?

Yes, I used to drink a lot, especially at uni.

I used to get black out drunk pretty much every Weds night for the first 2/3 months of uni.

Yeah, I've tried all sorts of stuff.


I did used to like some drinks, but not enough to make me wanna keep drinking


Well kinda, i did miss one post where he said about not breaking edge. About saying he doesn't like the taste, but the taste of what? Is it breaking edge if you have some wine at church, or a sip of bubbly at a wedding? What about drinks that contain a % of beer.

I'd imagine that if you're going to get tattooed to show your commitment to it, you aren't going to drink any kind of alcohol. It's like the equivalent of a vegetarian eating something like sweets with gelatin in them. If you're serious about it, you don't. If you're not, you do. I'd call getting tattooed and so on 'serious about it'.

Pretty much

As to the whole jon, straight edge scene thing, if you make that choice after weighing it all up realistically then that's cool and i get why... but at the same time i know people who don't touch alcohol at all because it's alcoholic and therefore must be bad and blame it on not liking the taste (despite refusing to try any new drinks) yet this person has a f**k load of energy drinks everytime they go riding which is probably just as bad if not worse than something like a weak vodka and coke. The latter situation is f**king annoying.

I try to be caffeine free too, I might have a Lucozade if I'm out and about, but that's just cos I like the taste. I drink energy drinks, but I make them all myself so I know exactly what's going into them.

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Fair play to you Jon, it's completely your choice and you've gone the opposite way to the rest of society.

I know one lad who doesn't drink, the majority of my friends smoke, and a minority use drugs. I drink and smoke however most times I wish I didn't - it costs an absolute fortune!

I can imagine you must get some shit for your choices though; and no offence but you're hardly 'discreet' with it. It's like vegans, the few that I know must make it known to everyone in a 10ft radius that they are vegan, and it gets old, really quickly.

I just don't understand the reason to make a big deal about it? The one lad who doesn't drink simply explains like so;

"You not drinking? Driving or something?"

"No...I just don't drink"


And thats it, nobody takes the piss, nobody tried to force a whiskey down his throat or anything like that. Excuse my ignorance, but the whole 'straight edge' thing just seems like an excuse for some moral highground?

No personal digs at yourself Jon - I just don't really agree with it, but I do respect your choice.

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See Sam, that's the kind of response I would expect, not the bullshit you came out with.

Yeah I did used to get a fair bit of shit, but now as I've been edge for over 3.5 years, all of my friends are used to it and just take the piss in a harmless way, which I don't mind. I know a few vegans, some of them are militant as f**k and go on marches and stuff, others, like my sister, don't do anything about it, they don't try and preach, they just get on with it.

I don't see straight edge as a moral high ground, I can assure you that that's how some people see it, but not me. It's just my choice, I don't judge those who aren't, in fact I know personally less than half a dozen fellow edge kids, so I'm not gonna hate on those who aren't, or i'd have no friends.

It wasn't really close friends who were trying to force it, obviously they knew I didn't drink, but people who I was meeting for the first time while out, friends of friends type thing, and while going to all the "uni partys" in the first year in halls, they were the ones that couldn't understand why I didn't drink, "You're at uni man, you gotta have a drink", that was the kinda attitude that really helped me make the decision.

I actually gave up drinking in November(ish) '05, but then I got semi drunk on New Years Eve '05/'06, and then when I was walking home at about 2am, with a tiny amount of alcohol in my system, after having a pretty shitty night, and witnessing plenty of people acting like dicks (it was that night that my supposed "best friend" went nuts at me for trying to get on the girl he liked, when in reality we were just chatting, in fact he still owes me £75 from that night, nice one "mate") , it hit me that drinking wasn't enjoyable any more, and it just caused a lot of shit, so I decided to stop. It honestly wasn't until probably about 9-10 months later until I started seriously claiming edge, and over the years as I said previously, it has become more and more important to me.

I was thinking about it riding to work, and there are some lyrics that stick in my mind about straight edge, you'll probably think they're cheesy and lame, but they're from the song For You, For Me by Set It Straight,

I'll try my best to live each day better than the last.

To find the strength to fight, to hold on to what's right for me.

And you should try your best to make this last as long as your heart allows it, and to make this f**king count.

I'm not invincible, but i believe in myself, and i believe in Straight Edge.

We all die someday, i'll die standing for what i believe, and i'll stay positive.

In all sincerity, this means the world to me, and i'll give everything.

I'm not invincible, but i believe in myself, and i believe in Straight Edge.

We all die someday, i'll die standing for what i believe, and i'll stay positive and i'll keep focused.

Choose the battles that you live and die for, it's time to make a start.

Whatever it is that you have to fight for, to anyone with heart.

Make your stand.

Choose the battles that you live and die for, it's time to make a start.

Whatever it is that you have to fight for, to anyone with heart.

I can only imagine how amazing this show was, this is the kinda atmosphere and rush I'm talking about that makes me proud to be edge, and is one of the reasons why music means so much to me. Letting those guys know that their words have changed my outlook on life is important to me, other people might not see it, but that's just how I feel.

Youtube Video ->
" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> Edited by JonMack
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Pretty much

Ok that is kind of where I have a problem understanding, I guess it's the difference between being edge and just saying 'I don't drink'. There's been many occasions where I've found myself with a glass of champagne (or some sparkling wine shit) in my hand because it's someone's birthday at work, or i'm at a wedding reception or something like that. Even the people who are driving will have a glass because there's not enough alcohol in one glass to have any effect on your in any way shape or form.

Now i don't really like the taste of champagne, but i'll have a glass in honor of whatever it is we're celebrating just so we have have a chin-chin etc. Do you find that being edge stops you from doing things like that? Where as just saying 'I don't drink' will allow you to have a drink if you choose to depending on the situation. I mean, there's no real amount of alcohol in a glass so that can't be your objection. I suppose what I'm getting at is joining a group compared to just saying 'I don't do X' stops you from making reasonable exceptions.

I'm not attacking your choice to not drink, as i didn't drink until a later age than most and have gone through all that awkwardness of turning down drinks etc, i'm just questioning the choice to take 'not drinking' to the level you have, to the point where even if you did want to have a glass of bubbly you couldn't.

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Not so - my sister's ex was the soundest guy ever. Really nice guy, even when he was drinking, unless he drank whiskey and cokes. Specifically JD and coke. If he did, you could actually see him get 'darker', so to speak, and he'd become more confrontational and stuff. Yet drinking anything else, he was fine. Similarly, my flatmate used to just get chatty if he drank wine, comedically f**ked if he drank whiskey, but if he drank lager/beer he'd become a not-particularly-but-more-than-necessary violent twat. Different drinks affect people in different ways.

Jd n coke turns me in to a violent mother f**ker, i never drank JD and coke, 1st time i did it ended with me trying to bottle a chav for taking the piss cos i had black hair.


Also jon im not gonna argue with you, when i started to first read this post i was fully prepared to give you one of my usual. but you actually do raise some very valid points.

I just dont get why theres bands? it seems like a bit of a fashion accesory if you ask me, why cant your just be like ali c and keep it to your self?

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I suppose what I'm getting at is joining a group compared to just saying 'I don't do X' stops you from making reasonable exceptions.....

....i'm just questioning the choice to take 'not drinking' to the level you have, to the point where even if you did want to have a glass of bubbly you couldn't.

It's like the equivalent of a vegetarian eating something like sweets with gelatin in them. If you're serious about it, you don't. If you're not, you do.

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To JonMack.

I write it xSTRAIGHTEDGEx because I like to do it that way, thats why.

You say that the odds are I will stop being straight edge once I turn 18 and can legaly drink, but you dont know me, you dont know that I will.

I dont drink becuase I dont like it, I dont like the taste, I dont like what it does to people thats why. Both my parents had alchoholic fathers and have told me stories about what they were like, about their abuse and violence.

Ive been to booze ups and drink soft drinks not booze, Ive seen people passed out and peoples vomit all over the place, and it sickens me, it makes me glad that I dont drink.

Dont tell me I will "Break edge".

Ive had chances to smoke weed becasue my mate does, and I choose not to, Ive told him that its stupid and that I dont want him to mention it to me and about it, I said this to one of my best mates!

At his birthday I told him to go out side to smoke a joint, I told him I dont want to smell that crap, I hate weed and all illegal drugs.

People that drink and do drugs tell me that its good that I am straight edge and I get respect, it makes me feel good to have respect.

Im the only straight edge in my family, the most I have ever drunk at one time was 3 beers at Christmas. I became straight edge at March this year after the schools Head Boy and Head Girl party where I saw people that couldnt do anything themselves and had their other drunk mates helping them do everything.

You say I might stop being straight edge when I become a legal drinker, you say the temptation will get the better of me?

I say to you it wont, I am a Christian, I am faced with temptations every single day, most of my mates swear like troopers, but do I? NO.

My mates break the law, do I? NO.

My mates take the Lords name in vain, Do I? NO.

Dont tell me that I will give up on straight edge, I wont, I will be straight edge untill the end. I may not have a tatoo on my body like you, I may not put X's on my hands and cross my arms, but I am straight edge, I live the life of a Christian straight edge teenager.

Dont tell me what will happen to me, You dont know me.

Thank you.

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xSTRAIGHTEDGEx officially makes it a joke, for you anyway.

Jon is reppin' it all day every day, don't get it twisted yo. Genuine following, but writing it like that is just retarded.

I struggle to see how its retarded.

The X's represent how it originated.

Just becuase Im not screaming it out like Jon may doesnt mean im not edge, I find it to be vain to go around making myself look big, I tell people I am, I just dont make a scene about it.

To Jon, you say that you dont like Hate Edge, but what you say to me is hate, your singleing me out because I am under age and there for must be just a kid, I see this as being Hate Edge, and you trying to only allow who you want to be straight edge and not all that are.

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Ive had chances to smoke weed becasue my mate does, and I choose not to, Ive told him that its stupid and that I dont want him to mention it to me and about it, I said this to one of my best mates!

At his birthday I told him to go out side to smoke a joint, I told him I dont want to smell that crap, I hate weed and all illegal drugs.

I find it to be vain to go around making myself look big, I tell people I am, I just dont make a scene about it.
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To JonMack.

I write it xSTRAIGHTEDGEx because I like to do it that way, thats why.

You say that the odds are I will stop being straight edge once I turn 18 and can legaly drink, but you dont know me, you dont know that I will.

I dont drink becuase I dont like it, I dont like the taste, I dont like what it does to people thats why. Both my parents had alchoholic fathers and have told me stories about what they were like, about their abuse and violence.

Ive been to booze ups and drink soft drinks not booze, Ive seen people passed out and peoples vomit all over the place, and it sickens me, it makes me glad that I dont drink.

Dont tell me I will "Break edge".

Ive had chances to smoke weed becasue my mate does, and I choose not to, Ive told him that its stupid and that I dont want him to mention it to me and about it, I said this to one of my best mates!

At his birthday I told him to go out side to smoke a joint, I told him I dont want to smell that crap, I hate weed and all illegal drugs.

People that drink and do drugs tell me that its good that I am straight edge and I get respect, it makes me feel good to have respect.

Im the only straight edge in my family, the most I have ever drunk at one time was 3 beers at Christmas. I became straight edge at March this year after the schools Head Boy and Head Girl party where I saw people that couldnt do anything themselves and had their other drunk mates helping them do everything.

You say I might stop being straight edge when I become a legal drinker, you say the temptation will get the better of me?

I say to you it wont, I am a Christian, I am faced with temptations every single day, most of my mates swear like troopers, but do I? NO.

My mates break the law, do I? NO.

My mates take the Lords name in vain, Do I? NO.

Dont tell me that I will give up on straight edge, I wont, I will be straight edge untill the end. I may not have a tatoo on my body like you, I may not put X's on my hands and cross my arms, but I am straight edge, I live the life of a Christian straight edge teenager.

Dont tell me what will happen to me, You dont know me.

Thank you.

Surley to make the decision to become straight edge you have to have tried the substances in question. and seeing as your only 16 thats breaking the law my friend.


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Just becuase Im not screaming it out like Jon may doesnt mean im not edge, I find it to be vain to go around making myself look big, I tell people I am, I just dont make a scene about it.

The whole straight edgee discussion started in here cos you were shoutin bout it :S

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I'm pretty sure that also covers a lot of people. Virtually everyone seems to not really like the taste of beer at first, but then keeps drinking it and ends up enjoying the taste (Although that's probably just 'cos their brain knows what happens as a result of drinking it, so it's almost like people who drink coffee who originally don't like it, but like the caffeine buzz).

Whiskey on the other hand: Om nom nom.

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To be fair, "Not really liking the taste" is kind of odd.

There's thousands of types of alcoholic drinks, from the all out rank to the quite amazingly beautiful - it's like when people say they don't like "Curry" as if Curry is just this one dish that tastes the same anywhere you go.

I'm not trying to convert anyone, just saying that alcoholic drinks don't all taste horrible :)

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To be fair, "Not really liking the taste" is kind of odd.

There's thousands of types of alcoholic drinks, from the all out rank to the quite amazingly beautiful

But it's the alcohol itself I don't like the taste of. Even alcopops or whatever, they don't just taste like orange juice or whatever, they taste of alcohol and I don't like that. However after a few drinks of any kind, like other senses, taste becomes 'blurred' and the dislike tends to fade...

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To be fair, "Not really liking the taste" is kind of odd.

There's thousands of types of alcoholic drinks, from the all out rank to the quite amazingly beautiful - it's like when people say they don't like "Curry" as if Curry is just this one dish that tastes the same anywhere you go.

I'm not trying to convert anyone, just saying that alcoholic drinks don't all taste horrible :)

Good point well made. I've got a mate who 'doesn't like veg', it f**ks me right off.

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I hate it when people who're straight edge think they're better than everyone else.

One of the comments people come out with which really annoys me:

"I don't need alcohol or drugs to have a laugh".

I don't care what people do, drink, smoke or take drugs, it's up to them, but as soon as the line "I'm straight edge" comes into it, they've taken it from not drinking alcohol, taking drugs or smoking to a fad or an accessory that you can't see so they have to blab it about to fit in.

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