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Binge Drinking Trials Riders Out There Be Warned!


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Gary Reinbach 22yrs, a nobody to most of us here but sadly this young lad died on sunday (10 weeks after being admitted to hospital) due to developing cirrhosis of the liver, he'd been binge drinking since 13yrs. What is most shocking about his death is that he'd been denied the opportunity of an emergency liver transplant until he was alcohol free for at least 6 months. Now im not suggesting that within the next 8-10yrs of your lifespan you could potentially develop some form liver damage, but its a stark warning never the less. Better to be safe than sorry.

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It's not shocking that he got denied a liver transplant, why give a liver to someone who put themselves in that situation where as someone else who had liver problems by no fault of their own would miss out.

People really do underestimate what drinking a 4 pack every night will do to them. Anymore than a pint and a half is considered an unhealthy amount to drink per night.

R.I.P. :(

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What quailifys as binge drinking?

Depends which newspaper you read.

It's importantly to clarify the difference between 'binge' drinking and alcoholism. Alcoholism is abuse of alcohol to the point that you rely on it...just like smoking, and I don't care what anyone says, alcohol is addictive.

You live in that mind set and drink due to ignore problems (relationships, family, debt, work) - at this point it isn't 'binge' drinking. You're probably spending every last penny you have on booze.

Binge drinking, in my eyes, is complete bollocks. Its something the media have invented so they have something to blame for all the 17 year olds that get hammered and beat a granny up - thats not binge drinking, thats being a scum bag.

It is a shame and all that, however I can't help but think that to get to the level of destroying your liver, you must have felt rather ill before hand?

Edited by anzo
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What quailifys as binge drinking?

y'know i go out alot, but i dont get paraletic and rarely throw up, but i get drunk quite often but only when i go out..

Considering that heavy drinking has been going on for hundreds of years, and considering how few young people die due to alcohol compared to how many drink and don't die, both at present and historically (~99.9%?) I think we'll be ok. It's a sad story, but binge drinking from 13? Seriously?

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"Heavy drinking" isn't quite an accurate portrayal of what's going on though. People may have drunk beer heavily in the past, but bearing in mind people drink a shitload more spirits with mixers now, more damage gets done. Most shit involving vodka is pretty bad for you - just look at how ridiculous the state of alcoholism is in Russia these days. Pretty shocking...

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It's importantly to clarify the difference between 'binge' drinking and alcoholism. Alcoholism is abuse of alcohol to the point that you rely on it...just like smoking, and I don't care what anyone says, alcohol is addictive.

You live in that mind set and drink due to ignore problems (relationships, family, debt, work) - at this point it isn't 'binge' drinking. You're probably spending every last penny you have on booze.

Binge drinking, in my eyes, is complete bollocks. Its something the media have invented so they have something to blame for all the 17 year olds that get hammered and beat a granny up - thats not binge drinking, thats being a scum bag.

Well said, binge drinking is defined from "Drinking anything over 3-4 untis in one day" to "Drinking to the point where day to day tasks (like work or school) aren't attended because of drinking".

Edited by JT!
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Well said, binge drinking is defined from "Drinking anything over 3-4 untis in one day" to "Drinking to the point where day to day tasks (like work or school) aren't attended because of drinking".

I was always under the impression that binge drinking was when you didn't drink regularly (as in not every day) but got absolutely can't-remember-your-own-name-till-4pm-2-days-later drunk whenever you did drink.

Otherwise, as has been said, it's just alcoholism.

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I was always under the impression that binge drinking was when you didn't drink regularly (as in not every day) but got absolutely can't-remember-your-own-name-till-4pm-2-days-later drunk whenever you did drink.

Yeah that too. Like was said above, it depends what paper you read, or where you get the definition from.

I'd be interested to know about the guy that died, how exactly was he drinking, everyday, or getting slaughtered a couple of times a week?

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Once again being xSTRAIGHTEDGEx is making my life safer :)

I love you you xSTRAIGHTEDGEx

Are you intentionally trying to make edge kids look like a bunch of dicks, because I'm not down with that. We already get enough shit as it is, writing xSTRAIGHTEDGEx makes us look like a bunch of 14 year old girls. I just checked your profile and you're 16, surely that just makes you a law obiding citizen rather than "properly" edge? I know plenty of people who were edge up until they turned 18, now they all drink like f**k and are always going on about how awesome it is. I was 18 when I turned edge, I had been drinking socially for a year or so, but it got more serious when I went to uni, so I decided to give up, and after a year or so of staying "drug free" I considered myself to be edge. I'm not trying to be a willy but I don't think underage kids not drinking or following the "rules of straight edge" is "being edge".

I actually came in here to ask, what's a "Trialster"?

Edited by JonMack
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Are you intentionally trying to make edge kids look like a bunch of dicks, because I'm not down with that. We already get enough shit as it is, writing xSTRAIGHTEDGEx makes us look like a bunch of 14 year old girls. I just checked your profile and you're 16, surely that just makes you a law obiding citizen rather than "properly" edge? I know plenty of people who were edge up until they turned 18, now they all drink like f**k and are always going on about how awesome it is. I was 18 when I turned edge, I had been drinking socially for a year or so, but it got more serious when I went to uni, so I decided to give up, and after a year or so of staying "drug free" I considered myself to be edge. I'm not trying to be a willy but I don't think underage kids not drinking or following the "rules of straight edge" is "being edge".

Yer but by 16 most kids have started drinking or drink has generally been around in their social groups for a fair while, from my experiences round here anyways. He definately sounds like a willy, but surely you can't put an age limit on this lifestyle choice?

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Once you get over 18 though, you're more likely to be involved with the actual clubbing scene and shit like that where harder drug taking's more normal. As a result being edge is actually a difference at that age, rather than just not necessarily having as much access and influence in doing it? I can certainly see what Jon's saying...

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