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Helmet/no Helmet! :o


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I've work in the professional bike industry now for 4 years. None of our riders are allowed to ride without helmets in any discipline. It sets a bad example to younger people and its damn dangerous. I used to be a ride of no helmet, and on day i crashed, put the brake lever through my eyelid and my helmet saved the rest of my face. Everyone i ride with wears a helmet, its just stupid not too. Asking for trouble if you ask me, any helmet is better than nothing.


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Hey guys, i've proberbly watched about 1000 trials videos at least in my time now :D

And i keep coming across more and more people who aren't wearing helmets when they trials.

This is acceptable at a low standard like me, but i see, the best of the best doing it.. :o

It's barbaric!

I was just wondering your thoughts and if you ride with/without a helmet and how good you are :))

Thanks guys :)



Its never acceptable, especially as a begginer when your far more likely to fall, yes as you advance you may fall further but theres less chance of you falling.

A small fall onto your head could still kill you.

I never used to but i've matured a bit now and do, although not usually when riding distance....


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