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Helmet/no Helmet! :o


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Hey guys, i've proberbly watched about 1000 trials videos at least in my time now :D

And i keep coming across more and more people who aren't wearing helmets when they trials.

This is acceptable at a low standard like me, but i see, the best of the best doing it.. :o

It's barbaric!

I was just wondering your thoughts and if you ride with/without a helmet and how good you are :))

Thanks guys :)



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ALWAYS wear a helmet, it only takes 1 fall to crack your skull and cause serious damage. I HATE seeing the videos where people ride without helmets!!!

I remember when a guy round my end used to ride, and had a bad fall at Shipley Glen, if he didn't wear his helmet he would probably be drinking from a tube.

Me I am a no helmet rider. For some reason they feel really uncomfortable on my head. But if they save you life, they save your life.


WTF, you don't wear one as it feels uncomfortable, find one that fits then!!!! When it comes to choosing between rock or a helmet, I know which would feel the most uncomfortable.

Anyone who rides without a helmet is a fool, who has little to no sense/consideration for themself.


Edited by fruitbat
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ALWAYS wear a helmet, it only takes 1 fall to crack your skull and cause serious damage. I HATE seeing the videos where people ride without helmets!!!

I remember when a guy round my end used to ride, and had a bad fall at Shipley Glen, if he didn't wear his helmet he would probably be drinking from a tube.


WTF, you don't wear one as it feels uncomfortable, find one that fits then!!!!

Wow, thanks fruitbat, that's really made me think differently about trials biking :).

I'm gonna buy a helmet A S A P! :)

Atm i'm only jumping from kurbs, low drops and stuff.

Should i still wear? :S

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Atm i'm only jumping from kurbs, low drops and stuff.

Should i still wear? :S

Try falling from your riding position and aiming your head at the kerb, that'll answer your question.

I really don't know why people ride (especially trials) without a helmet


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Try falling from your riding position and aiming your head at the kerb, that'll answer your question.

I really don't know why people ride (especially trials) without a helmet


Yeah suppose dude :)



I'll get one tomorow :D


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I always wear my helmet what ever I am doing. I came off the my bike a while back and split my helmet on the back and that was just doing a gap between a thin concrete slab and the kerb, so it does not matter what you are doing all it takes is a slight mistake and it can all go wrong.

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Hey guys, i've proberbly watched about 1000 trials videos at least in my time now :D

And i keep coming across more and more people who aren't wearing helmets when they trials.

This is acceptable at a low standard like me, but i see, the best of the best doing it.. :o

It's barbaric!

I was just wondering your thoughts and if you ride with/without a helmet and how good you are :))

Thanks guys :)



When I had a crash (not trials) I was wearing a helmet. If I wasnt I would be dead or a vegetable.

I was out cold for 10 mins and got a concusion.

I wear a helmet.

Now that I think about it, a few times that I have just got my bike out for a few mins and fallen backwards helmet less. Makes me think "What would happen if I hit my head?".

Just think for a bit of money you have great head protection and if you wernt wearing one in a crash and get brain damage, think of the suffering for you, your family and your mates.

Its like not wearing a seatbelt in a car really.

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I always where a helmet on. I've just got a new bike and am getting back into trials after a few years out and i'm not going out on it until i have a new helmet. The last big crash i had would have killed me or left me as a peace of human veg if i didn't have it on!

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Anyone who rides without a helmet is a fool, who has little to no sense/consideration for *themselves*.

That's a pretty lofty opinion. Some of your posts really are very sensationalist, I feel like I'm reading a tabloid; "Thousands of cyclists are risking certain death by performing stunts unprotected."

Reading through this thread sounds like the trials equivalent of some kind of impending apocalyptic disaster.

It's really not as big a deal as you guys make out.

Heads bounce, believe.*

*I accept no responsibility for accident or loss of life caused by reading my post.

Edited by nichols_sam
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Never used to wear on 'til a couple months ago.

I was riding Harden (big sharpish rocks) and I took a fall. Managed to put my hand where my head was aiming at just in time to save cracking my skull, and my hand was in agony for a week. I dread to think what that would have done to my head if I hadn't broken my fall, so I ordered a helmet as soon as I got in that night.

Also, I feel more confident in a helmet. I dunno if everyone gets that but I certainly do.

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i where a helmet. Didnt cost to much and otherday at the rocks at wadsley i sliped back and cracked my head hard on a rock. Without my helmet on saturday i would have cracked my head open easily and probably a neck injury.

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Someone by me wasnt on a bike was just walking

He fell off a curb and twisted his ankle and smashed his head off the curb too

He fractured his skull and got a blood clot in his brain and died later that day

THIS SHOWS HOW DANGEROUS IT IS WALKING let alone on a bike hopping around

Helmets *** , end of


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I just wondered are bmx helmets okay for trials? because I did bmxing before i did trials and i have a bmx helmet so are they ok for trials ?

Bmx style helmets are fine for trials, a lot of people use them.

Infact, the bmx style helmets are arguably safer than the xc/mountain bike style because they cover more of your head, especially at the back.

Theyre good.

But they dont have much ventalation in them and make my head over heat.

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