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New Rider Needs Help


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Right, I've been riding for 3 months now and currently have the old 2002 onza t bird (grey and blue) 20"

I'm looking to get a new bike because I can only do 1 pedal kick on my onza, yet I have been on my mates stock and can do 2, not a big difference but its an improvement. I am also about 5'9". been looking at the phase 1.2 on tartybikes, does anyone own one and is there a better bike for the same price. I have also been told that the reason I can do more pedal kicks on that stock because it has a higher bb than my old onza


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oh my god,you´re riding for 3months and you think you need better bike?i´m sorry but that´s just stupid.train more and it´ll improve,no matter how bad bike have.at least,onza is trials specific bike,so don´t spend money for something that you really don´t need atm

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