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Atomz Premier Any Good?


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Yes, very from what I hear.

They are pretty much new! so not alot of them around yet however after seeing slinger(or butler get confused between the two) on his up glen they look like they ride mint aswell as look good, also it looked very stiff, not sure it was a premier however atomz looks like its going to a rather good company for the trials world.

however so far on the forum is the TOP guys ride them, and there going to make any frame/ bike look like it rides good.

but as I said there going to make quite a company mostly on the natty side of the sport . . . . . .

most likly will not of helped you in anyway at all but ohh well :D

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most likly will not of helped you in anyway at all but ohh well :D

any advise or info helps. its either the atomz or the Yaabaa 1499. would quite like to build one myself, not sure if it would work out any cheaper?

now I can help out here:

1' work out how much you want to spend -

option one- price it up on tarty buy it all your self and build your self

option two- call/email tart and let them know of a budget and your ideal spec and theyll help you out.

also you can WITHIN REASON change some of the parts from the spec of tartys bikes before you buy it.

If it was me Id look into building my self as you get YOUR spec that way and can build the bike to suit the rider. However there loverly bikes anyway.

EDIT: also the atoms over the yabab

if you want a frame to last over a week!

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I had a quick go on Andy Greens today and I can't believe how good it seems to be for the money. Nothing is 'budget' and I can't see anything that I'd want to upgrade (except brake pads to be fair) and also can't believe how light it is too. Without doubt one of the most bargainous things to enter the biketrials market ever. You won't regret it if you get one (Y).

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i ride a premier. got me back into trials, is cheap well made and geo is spot on.

cant think of anything better for the money and if i break it ill buy another.

Saying that its taken some serious abuse, but the down tube does dent easily.

If you a massive street basher id say take the yabbaa, lookslike itd hold up better. if your more into your natural take the premier.

hope that helps.

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