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Leeeeds Big Un :)


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whos up for it

so far theres me

phill (never bent his back in his life) monks



cocky (life partner) c

danny seabasss


Dr. Phill?

nick bolt


dan cartledge

jack carthy

rob feeley?


gaz m


mikey c


mike winton?

stebass? you up for it or you still doing narration for big bro

danny swindlehymen?


grant underlay

ben john hineyhole

dan ko?

danny kearns?

ross clayton?

ben richardson

dale hill

little sam

ginger dan (who writes of scooters by building a jump into a lampost)

the other ginger dan that gets his willy stung by nettles

wayne mohammed

damien watson

neil tunnafish

craig lee scott

daniel foster

only bikes jeff

danny holroyd

tom rigg


should be a good turnout hopefully but anyone else up for it?

meeting up outside train station about 11-12 ish

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lol ben u fail at life, bet only u and that danny baz guy show up :L.

nah man theres even more now

deonn hollsiday


joe cuppasoup

danny hurd

scott marks

hustler brothers

jack carthy again 21 year old (headly ;) )

tarty lot

ross clayton

sum dude called damne hotpot

steve h


matt awkward

mat rusworth

mat rushdon

phil crabtree

john adams used to ride for trials uk


little sam

bigger sam

matt awkright



anyone else

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just no one turn up,

forcast's to be frogs all day. and f**king mohsis is at work :/

Least dan kos going if you brake yoru bike hell be sure to take some money off you (Y)

ginger dan cant come because this time he tried to shit on a thistle.

mat smith cant come because aparently hell allready be there,

damon cant come because its too far to bring a welder and got to baby sit bill all day,

little sam's in a stop beause everyone keeps calling him little,

stebass is newly stebottywank ,

danny swindle just wants to drive down then back just for the airmiles,

blacks ant come because there all in jail,

mikeys still in bed,

phills done everything ever made by a man, EVER! MADE! even the man him self,

the dude who works in leeds will be out at like midnight just to help out on the numbers,

danny baz has ring sting from when you slept,

jack carthys not allowed outa the home with out a permit,

headleys got to pay a fine for being too loud,

gingerdan who jumps into posts, found a new job in navy so now he can squat on them,

big lip cant get threw the barrior,

hinez meanz ben, got to be in 57 places at once just for the varieteys,

tarty lot cant compete with dankos selling methods ( if you buy it and it dosent come you have obv got to buy it again (Y) ),

all the rest can make it as there fags (: ,

im with beth in morleybig leeds ride ben, plus its gunna rain so come join LIFIE

nice quick edit fert lads , sorry abotu my spelling people dident want to spend over five mins on bens topic,

also sorry if I called you a fag, most likly are (Y) but in advance i dont really mean it so stop taking it like a fag :D

Edited by Seabasss
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