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Speeding Quick Answers Needed.


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A friend of mine just exited a roundabout at 55mph in a 30 to see 2 policemen in a patrol car facing him with a mobile speed camera out. They didn't batt an eyelid didnt turn round or look etc. Just a normal car not a van.

Can they do anything now or has my friend had a lucky escape?

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Nothing you can do about it but keep your fingers crossed.

*His* fingers crossed.

And why I'm asking is because I didn't think mobile hand-held cameras, with 2 police sitting inside the car could clock your speed and put it through the database?

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If it was just a laser speed gun (i.e. it wasn't an actual camera just a read out for them to see) then there's no proof of the offence and so nothing will come of it. The gun may have given them an error reading or something so they couldn't do anything about it. Usually when it's cops like that they'd have someone up the road ready to pull you over and issue the ticket on the spot... don't quote me on that though!!

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Speeding in some instances, e.g. motorways, doesn't really seem so bad, but 55mph in a 30mph zone sounds a bit OTT?

Yeah theres a time and a place, and doing nearly twice the speed limit and not even noticing something as obvious as a cop car doesn't fill me with much confidence. If they/you do get an NIP within 14 days then tough, they're the consequences, if not then they/you are lucky and will hopefully start paying attention or slowing down.

Police only really pull you over with the handheld guns I think or if they've been following you.

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Yea he spoke to a traffic cop today and he basically said something along the same lines, the only way they could do it is if they read the plate and recorded it, which is very unlikley so he said not to worry

this is exactly why i never ever speed anywhere ever

LOLZ I have been driving with you Ash :P

Speeding in some instances, e.g. motorways, doesn't really seem so bad, but 55mph in a 30mph zone sounds a bit OTT?

the road opens up into a 40 limit but theyv'e extended the 30 limit because of a bus stop.

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If he didn't spot a police car 'til too late though, what else might he miss? Not trying to be all preachy or anything, btw.

I was in the car with him and it was about 100 metres down the road, up on the cerb under a tree and in the dark. The road was fully lit etc. although I take your point for sure.

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