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Dare2dream Designs


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Might be cool if there was a more solid theme? I'm no designer or whatever, but on that first bit of the page there's like 4-5 different fonts? Then it seems to change to the Portfolio style, and so on. Just doesn't seem all that cohesive, sort of...

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I like the colours. It's a pretty nice site! I'd use a darker font, and not italics, for the about you bit of text, but other than that, not bad. Interesting how you've got it all on one page though, when it moves down I kept looking for links for the other bits... how come you chose that and not separate pages?

All the best for your freelancing (Y)

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Hey mate but i am sorry i have to agree with OBM I feel there is too many different fonts and even if they are not different fonts different styles which could be the same found but in large type/italics/bold etc..

This is fine across most of the site but were it bugs me is on the contact form. I just feel the Name, Email and Coments text is just to big and stands out making it look almost like a completely different font, Mybe making this the same as the sentence above would be slightly nicer.

My only other points are completely website based and nothing to do with design.

I dont know what your stands are on web design i am ashuming you are a graphic designer and not a web designer so i first off say fair play to you for this attempt its alot better than most people would do.

Few points to be aware of though.

First one very simple to fix is your lightbox doesnt appear to be working so i am just getting the images load on a blank page.

Secondly is somthing I end up picking up on more when i come home from uni and we all do it now in the digital age but we still need to pay attention to people like my rents out in the middle of the moors where we cant get good broadband access. Although your site is very low in graphical content due to the site being a one page site some of the images are taking awhile to load on my parents crap internet. Although I do like your one page layout it might be somthing to think about as for a good while I am left with alot of white space will the page loads.

And the last thing I think might be due to you having done lots of myspace mods. ( Which I must say are very nicely designed ) Using lots of tables in web design is very out dated and is not very standards friendly or nice practice to get into when design websites. Try to use divs and style sheets as once you are used to them they are just as easy and nicer to use and friendlier for everyone else.

Hope this isn't taken as a rant against you it is acturly the complete opposite just trying to give you some pointers as I like alot of what I see, so if you applie the web thoughts to your designs we could see some great work. Just never know how your words can be taken online so just give me a shout if you didnt understand anything.

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Not particularly, in that the brand's not established at all? You could pretty much do whatever you want with it now and it'd be minimal hassle, apart from having to buy a new domain name which wouldn't really be the end of the world? You could even use the same fonts/layout/whatever that you've got now simply because "D2D*" isn't known by anyone yet, so they wouldn't associate it with your 'old' name?

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There are more tables than a bingo hall in there.

This might help you out, I wrote it a while back and it's been highly recognised within the industry: http://csswizardry.com/web-design+/

Also yeah, should you consider a rebrand it'll nowt of a job (unless (which I doubt) you have gone to great lengths registering that name with Companies House).

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