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I can't find the last one, so lets start a new one. Its been over a year Im sure so people will have no doubt done more work through boredom or university courses.

Heres two I've done recently, Im sure you can recognise them. Post yours away and the program youve used to avoid confusion to viewers



Solidworks 2008. Also for stress analysis, is it worth having a catalogue of components to see where stresses are likely to occur? I say this pretending I know how to do stress analysis properly - Ive only played with it... but worth a thought maybe

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Solid works is proper good especially the stress analysis bit.

I wanna get the new AutoCAD stress analysis and CNC programming shit but can't invest until this f**king recession f**ks off.

Those programs are very basic when used for stress analysis. They're fine for applying a simple load to a part which is simply constrained, but I generally hold little confidence in their accuracy, and have yet to see any evidence that will change my mind.

I'll post some stuff of mine up later, but for now, here is a list of the arsenal of software I use at work:

Pro Engineer Wildfire4

Ansys Workbench (FEA)

Ansys Classic (FEA, like Workbench but more command script based for greater power and flexibility)

Ansys CFX with Turbocharger analysis plugins (Fluid flow analysis)

FESafe (fatigue analysis)

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Those programs are very basic when used for stress analysis. They're fine for applying a simple load to a part which is simply constrained, but I generally hold little confidence in their accuracy, and have yet to see any evidence that will change my mind.

I'll post some stuff of mine up later, but for now, here is a list of the arsenal of software I use at work:

Pro Engineer Wildfire4

Ansys Workbench (FEA)

Ansys Classic (FEA, like Workbench but more command script based for greater power and flexibility)

Ansys CFX with Turbocharger analysis plugins (Fluid flow analysis)

FESafe (fatigue analysis)

How much is pro engineer?


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