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Leeds Festival


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Can i ask all you Leeds heads something...how did the earlybird tickets work there this year?

At Reading this year they've put in some rediculous thing where to get an earlybird you have to go on a coach which sets you back an extra £40 :( What if you live in Reading haha? To get an earlybird you'd not only have to pay for a coach but also travel out of Reading to another city to get the coach an pick up your ticket (they give you them on the coach) :S

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  Max Quinn said:
Can i ask all you Leeds heads something...how did the earlybird tickets work there this year?

At Reading this year they've put in some rediculous thing where to get an earlybird you have to go on a coach which sets you back an extra £40 :( What if you live in Reading haha? To get an earlybird you'd not only have to pay for a coach but also travel out of Reading to another city to get the coach an pick up your ticket (they give you them on the coach) :S

Erm, they work as in you have a ticket, you get in early. nah, in all fairness they worked differently in 07 to 08. In 07, because evryone was waiting for them to open the gates all day, when they finally opened the gates at like 3, it was basically wave your tickets in the air and go in. you could of got in without an early bird ticket/even without a ticket. then when youd set up camp, you could go to wristband exchange, and you had to give both tickets in, to get a wristband(although unless you wanted anything from your car, you could of waited till 8am the next morning and just got wristband, or blagged it and said the security at the gate took your early bird ticket, and ripped it in 2, (as they where meant to be ripped so they couldnt be reused) so you assumed they where rubbish.

Last year was totally different, there was no wristband exchange, other than at the main gate, so before you got into the festival.you got your wristband, you walked past security, into wristband exchange, before getting to the festival camping area, you couldnt avoid it, however, I dont remember quite how it worked, because people stood around in there with bags etc, so their mates could get wristbands. cant remember if there was security on the exit to the tent.

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  Max Quinn said:
Yer, so am i right in saying that at Leeds you can just buy an early bird as a seperate transaction to your main ticket for a tenner or whatever? Same way you've always bought them?

aye, if they were in stock anyway, cos this tard forgot, but yea. you just buy them seperate.

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Ive got a ticket, should be going with around 40 mates aswell so cant wait.

Mainly going for the atmosphere etc as im not much of a fan of most of the line ups, which makes £180 on a ticket seem mint haa

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Just take the minimal and keep them on your body. I always take shorts that have a zip pocket down the leg somewhere.

What i do is take a shit old phone (guaranteed i ALWAYS lose a phone), wallet an thats all you need valuables wise. Then the only stuff in your tent is clothes, alcohol an food. Don't bother with padlocks on your tent or anything, cos it just makes it a target as it looks like it will have valuables in it, and it's not exactly hard for a thief to get in anyways.

This is at Reading, but meh, same thing.

EDIT: From that picture above, Leeds looks well different/less rammo then Reading.

Edited by Max Quinn
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Not very reasonable, try and take as much of your own food and drink as possible, and i'd reccomend something with wheels to cart it from your car to your tent when you get there because the walks a bitch with all that stuff.

anybody know if they're still doing the swap a warm can for a cold one thing? or has it stopped because carling aren't involved anymore?

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  Ollie Histon said:
anybody know if they're still doing the swap a warm can for a cold one thing? or has it stopped because carling aren't involved anymore?

no more warm beer amnesty i'm afraid :( meh, they sell tuborg now ;) tuborg > carling to be honest

food, beer and other stuff is well expensive on the inside, remember your suncream and buy a big water-carrying joby, or if your posh take a camelbak ;)

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  Max Quinn said:
EDIT: From that picture above, Leeds looks well different/less rammo then Reading.

meh, it depends on where you camp, if you camp in yellow bubble, its absolutely rammed, likewise there are parts of blue and red that are rammed. but then theres parts of it which are more like that, then you get to brown, and youve got space for a vegetable plot and grazing land next to your tent.

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  ..::littlesam::.. said:
i am a newbie to this so bare with me lol, are there taps ont camp site? or do you have to take your own bottles water and stuff?

theres taps, however, bring bottles, bottle water the night before, if you need water to wash your teeth/sort out your dry mouth/get rid of the brain swell in the morning, on a sunny day, you can queue for like 40 minutes to get to the taps.

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  Caleb said:
Can you still get a free pint for collecting cups?

Yeah but I think its like 5 cups for 20p off a beer? So you could be there for a while. People do take the piss though asking you to finish your drink so they can have the cup...

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