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I,m have serious trouble gapping to front

I can manage to get the front wheel on the object but just can seem to get my back wheel on.

Do I land with my front brake fully locked or partly on??

And where should my weight I.e shoulders and legs be

Looked on trashzen but doesn't really help me....

Hope some one can give me some advice


Edited by Mtchell
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I cant really gap to front but these are my thoughts :)

Use of the front brake is dependant on whether you have enough inertia to carry the bike onto where youre gapping to. If you have then you can just land front wheel first with the brake off and roll, if you havent then you need to land with the front brake on and use your bodies momentum to lift the back wheel up, you can then swap the wheels to get the back wheel on.

You need to get your weight over the front of the bike, especially if you need to have the brake locked; otherwise youre likely to skid. I think my main problem with gaps to front is committing all of my weight forward, ie: it scares me :D

I recall aliC saying that its easier if you gap in an upwards arc and land with your weight well forward and the whole bike nose diving, look at some TRA videos for a good example :)

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When you gap to front, cock your stem - push your whole body weight into the stem to keep it on the back wheel. Obviously, don't do it to the point you go over the bars. Then, you should be enough balanced on the front wheel to either swing the back wheel round onto the object, or to wheelswap - let the front brake off whilst quickly switching your weight to the back wheel, pushing the bike forwards and up a bit so you get to back wheel. You can practise those on the flat, but you really need to learn to do the key thing for any of these moves - cocking the stem :P

As for the brake, I use mine locked, partislly because I don't have much choice with it. You can land with it less on if you're able to wheelswap well already, I think.

I'm not good at gaps to front, mind, I can only do them on flat, but when I do them right my whole weight is over the front of my bike.

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Ive just started learning gaps to front and when I do it, I lock the brake on and when the rear wheel is high enough I let it out and roll on to the thingy (mainly because I cant wheelswap).

You need to get your weight over the front of the bike, especially if you need to have the brake locked; otherwise youre likely to skid. I think my main problem with gaps to front is committing all of my weight forward, ie: it scares me

Tell me about it.

I didnt jump far enough one day and went over the bars and body slamed the pallet! :D

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