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Echo Sl 108 Freewheel


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So i've had a try-all freewheel since early march-ish and it's well and truly dieing (Slipping, Skipping, Making noises @ least 5 times a ride) & i'm after

1st choice. an SL

2nd choice. any of the 72 EP freewheels (RockMan, V!Z etc but not monty).

Recommendations/review links please

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From what I have heard the new echo freewheels are VERY good! So i would say go for the echo, although i have heard that the 108 is quite a stiff freewheel due to all the pawls, where as the 72 (TR) is much more free.....


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So i've had a try-all freewheel since early march-ish and it's well and truly dieing (Slipping, Skipping, Making noises @ least 5 times a ride) & i'm after

1st choice. an SL

2nd choice. any of the 72 EP freewheels (RockMan, V!Z etc but not monty).

Recommendations/review links please

Why not monty?

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Not Many EPs 4 the money

72 and for a cheap price? My monty was cheaper than any other freewheel available with 72 ep?

Edit: Just saw them on tarty...wow. They're way cheaper on my part of the world!

Edited by Jason222
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umm.. try using the SEARCH function...

ooo sorry...

Iv now typed two reviews of this freewheel 108 version. not about to type or link it again.

10/10 after going through 3 tryalls in a yr :(

echo sl 108 is sound

I found one of the threads u posted in and ur the first (& Last) to say the SL is good so i'm not convinced.


Everyone ^ couldn't decide which was best. most said tensile which i have had before and agree with but i would like >60 EPs if possible.

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I believe tarty adam and some of the sponsored riders will be running them soon

Yeah, Ali's had one on since the first day we got them, I'll be sticking one on my bike once my hand is up to riding trials again and Stan's gonna put one on his new build when his Sky frame arrives.

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My monty is better than my mates tensile by a long way!

Is his tensile knackered? I had two bikes at one point and had a Monty on one and a Tensile on the other.

The tensile was louder, felt stiffer and didn't skip at all, whereas the Monty skipped a couple of times in the two weeks I had both mods.

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Guest itstroy08

My Try-All is skipping like mad, but the EP kicks in right away, so its asif it doesnt skip atall.

Its strange, im probly going to but the ENO when i get the cash to.

My try-all was bought at christmas and skipped occasionally. and yesterday it was like 4 times, i am quite worried that its going to die soon :( .

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