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Why is it that trials forum have so many rules to gettin validated to stop idiots using the main functions yet when they are members so many jus go on like dicks, actin sarki an to be honest just like chavs. I started skating back in 1997 when there was no chavs an there was more fued between bmx an boarders or bladers an boarders. Thought that was stupid then as you all doin a sport an not out hurtin people or robbin old ladies, an now most all get along in the parks an streets, i have plenty of friends who all do different things from boarding to bmx, skating, free runnin, etc. But now im doin trials an come on here you got loads of people doin the same sport an jus cursing each other, some of u need to to quit bikes an go buy a burbery hat an some nike'ys. An some need to remember that no ones good to start with so dont think your better than everyone else cause theres always someone better! to all beginners enjoy your sports an be the best to your ability...

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I still don't understand why people think that just because someone rides a bike similar to your's you have to get along. There are thousands of people around the world who, say, play football, yet not all of them get on fine with each other just because they kick a ball about? Trials is no different.

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And seriously mate, your english and your grammar in that pointless essay ..sucked.

what u on bout my grammer??? your reply was pointless, im makin a point, as it directed at people like you who think your special... grwo up mate an i think id know when chavs come bout mate, shame you were to little to remember, only little boys give remarks like that over the net.

I still don't understand why people think that just because someone rides a bike similar to your's you have to get along. There are thousands of people around the world who, say, play football, yet not all of them get on fine with each other just because they kick a ball about? Trials is no different.

Well you dont see mass riots at trials events, think ull find there alot differents sports, i get on well with all the riders i know an meet, glad i dont meet most you idiots... id knock most you out with that attitude

no chavs in 1997............yes there were :S

An u think you'd know what was around back then you little boy??? you would have been like 3 you dick, you havent got a clue mate, been around lot longer an done things you only dream of so grow up willy

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Well you dont see mass riots at trials events, think ull find there alot differents sports, i get on well with all the riders i know an meet, glad i dont meet most you idiots... id knock most you out with that attitude

There were at NASS the year before it got banned? There were a load of pikeys involved, but people on here said they 'helped' as well. Most 'trials events' don't really have enough people to have a riot in any case. Similarly, compare the amount of football fans globally who are actual fans and those who are simply out to fight, and you'll see that the former outnumber the latter by a massive, massive margin.

Nice one with the e-Hardman thing too. It's kinda hard to imagine anyone being intimidating when you know they used to be a fruit-booter ;)

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Your only bitching because your stuck in NMC because you don't know how to type properly.

If you look anywhere other than NMC the forum is pretty smooth flowing and everyone gets along pretty well.

But because the people who get stuck in NMC are 9 times out of 10 complete tools NMC attracts the bored, self certified full member who wants to make a few cheap shots. (Thats exactly the reason I'm reading in here now)

So stop winging and learn to spell, gay lord.

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An u think you'd know what was around back then you little boy??? you would have been like 3 you dick, you havent got a clue mate, been around lot longer an done things you only dream of so grow up willy

And you would know how old he was how.....??

You tell other people to grow up? Your the one who needs to grow up, your trying to sound tough over a forum!

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Before what got banned?

Well, before they threatened to stop doing it 'cos of the amount of hassle that was caused? I thought there was a year it didn't happen, or nearly didn't happen?

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I'm not really understanding this...

He came on to complain about arguing and feuds between trials riders and how it wasn't the same back in "1997" when everyone was peaceful, and calm and frolicked about happily arm in arm with one another ^_^

Yet he has just created an arguement with the entire trials community...

Good for you, I wish you luck in your quest for validation :D

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Why is it that trials forum have so many rules to gettin validated to stop idiots using the main functions yet when they are members so many jus go on like dicks, actin sarki an to be honest just like chavs. I started skating back in 1997 when there was no chavs an there was more fued between bmx an boarders or bladers an boarders. Thought that was stupid then as you all doin a sport an not out hurtin people or robbin old ladies, an now most all get along in the parks an streets, i have plenty of friends who all do different things from boarding to bmx, skating, free runnin, etc. But now im doin trials an come on here you got loads of people doin the same sport an jus cursing each other, some of u need to to quit bikes an go buy a burbery hat an some nike'ys. An some need to remember that no ones good to start with so dont think your better than everyone else cause theres always someone better! to all beginners enjoy your sports an be the best to your ability...

Firstly: LOL.

No think u find they were townies bk then not chavs.... get it right

Secondly: Another LOL, they're the same thing?

Well you dont see mass riots at trials events, think ull find there alot differents sports, i get on well with all the riders i know an meet, glad i dont meet most you idiots... id knock most you out with that attitude

Thirdly: STFU, e-hardman thing is a bit old now dude, calm down and get away from TF.


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Well, before they threatened to stop doing it 'cos of the amount of hassle that was caused? I thought there was a year it didn't happen, or nearly didn't happen?

May have been 2006 when i was there, when there was a bonfire of horse jumps and shit?

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im makin a point, as it directed at people like you who think your special... grwo up mate

Well you dont see mass riots at trials events, think ull find there alot differents sports, i get on well with all the riders i know an meet, glad i dont meet most you idiots... id knock most you out with that attitude

Hypocrisy win!

And a massive LOL :)

'm8 iz wel ard iz tweten u ova da intanet'...

Get out...

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