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80 Empty Cans Of Pringles


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Recycle? Save the plant and all that.

Alternatively you could decide that that idea was wank and make a half into robot dogs legs, half into robot cats legs and leave them it out on video for the amusement of the forum? The winners can be left to regroup and face an attack from a more deadly foe after another two years...

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Hhmm yeah i'm liking the idea of robot cats :lol:

On the subject of pringles, did you know the inventor of the Pringles can, Frederic J Baur, passed away last year and was partially buried in a pringles can. :huh:

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I tend to put my rubbish in the bin.

But seeing as you dont you could...

Learn to juggle all of them at once.

Chuck them at passing cars.

Make and octo-funnel.

Change the lables and fill them up with cake and start up your own cake in a tub company.

Fill them up with milk and make tem into cups and feed the local Lambs.

Or, throw them away.

A Pringles tree would be good.

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  Fish-Finger-er said:
I was thinking the exact same thing, but with sheep, Pah, i must live too close to the border.

although thinking about it, sheep would be a more suitable size for pringle tubes, i think cats would just look daft.

yes because makeing an army out of cat is what everyone thinks of when they think of 80 tins of pringle :S:lol:

pile them on top of each other glue the somehoe and there is a piece of valuably modern art :lol:

or put them in a masive box of water freeze it and you have pycrete and make a raft out of the pycrete go to the arctic and go fish :)

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  Tom_ said:
Yeah, pringles raft would be awsome.

Until they get a little wet inside.. then its just 80 soggy pieces of wet cardboard.

Holding them all together to make anything you could realistically sit on would be a nightmare to.

I vote you sell them on Ebay as a pringle cans that famous people ate the pringles from. Could make a killing with how Ebay works nowerdays! (or it could/probably will fail.)

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  georgieporgie said:
Until they get a little wet inside.. then its just 80 soggy pieces of wet cardboard.

Holding them all together to make anything you could realistically sit on would be a nightmare to.

I vote you sell them on Ebay as a pringle cans that famous people ate the pringles from. Could make a killing with how Ebay works nowerdays! (or it could/probably will fail.)

"Today, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the tub of which contained Michael Jackson's last sour cream and onion pringle."

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  N.Wood said:
Get a load of cats, put one tube on each leg of the cat and ta daa, robot army?

i second this! it would be epic entertainment. if you do do this PLEASE take photos so i can laugh at the cats for about 20 mins.

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fill one with concrete one night and put upside down on the pavement clearing any excess concrete spillage. Then see how many people walk along and try to kick it and hurt themselfs. Could make for a few hours or even days worth of amusement.

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  mr_malcolm said:
fill one with concrete one night and put upside down on the pavement clearing any excess concrete spillage. Then see how many people walk along and try to kick it and hurt themselfs. Could make for a few hours or even days worth of amusement.

Do that or stick it to the floor and see how many people try and pick it up.

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  Bol Maaaaaaing said:
A Pringles tree would be good.


  mr_malcolm said:
fill one with concrete one night and put upside down on the pavement clearing any excess concrete spillage. Then see how many people walk along and try to kick it and hurt themselfs. Could make for a few hours or even days worth of amusement.

Thats even funnier! It HAS to be done, a video of it would be good too.

What about making a desk or mini sofa out of them?

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