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The Doves - Danny Macaskill (Merged!)


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yeah its ironic that people complain that he does the same style. I am 100% sure if he changed his style completely and did nothing but grinds people would just say his old style was good. Point is on a forum you can't win if the guy wants to give you a negative review it doesn't matter if you bunnhop triple back flip up a 20 set. Back to the point I think this video would be better if i didn't bike. The bike is too distracting for me and I just ignore the music and ideas of the video so I didn't enjoy it and can only give a biased review. As for watching danny mac riding i was just like I dont wanna see people running id rather just watch a pure riding video.

Edited by sayshell
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That was cool and I think its great for DM and trials, but I kinda get the impression that there is some fat cat executive sitting in the background wondering how much more money he'll make out of crow baring the latest internet sensation into the music video of a band signed to him.

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I enjoyed it for the fact it had a slick look. I agree that there was pretty much no story within the video itself. But, to be honest, there are a huge amount of music videos out there that don't have a story to them. Think of how many music videos you have seen that are just the band playing!! Unfortunately that is often the way. Music videos are, on the whole, about the look. There are of course exceptions.

For me, I'm really happy to see him using everything that is coming his way, to help create a new buzz around biketrials. And it's good for people who prefer comp/TGS riding too as it inevitably generates interest in that direction as well. Anyone wanting to learn the basics starts with these essential moves. They may find that generally slower, more technical riding is what they then want to do and start entering comps.

Anyways, that’s my ramble.

Rich C

PS. Can you believe those guys actually stopped at the crossing. Ha.

Edited by Wonkeysadle_rich
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I just didnt get it ....

I love Danny and his riding but the video itself seemed a bit, well, pants :( It was just some kids running about pretending to chase danny ? I just thought it was a bit amateurish as far as a music video goes ...

Still - All good for DM + Trials exposure ...

I just expected more ...

I know what you mean. It did seem pretty amateur in fairness, it just didn't make any sense... Just sorta seems like they wanted to capitalise on an 'internet phenomenon' and make their video popular, but it just was... 'meh'.

It did clear some things up though - I was riding the blue banks in that video with a bunch of the top pros who ride for Seventies (i.e. they're all really, really f**king good), and Danny appeared. He went off with Dave Sowerby to have a bit of a cruise around the area, and the production van and crew showed up. They asked if we were going to leave any time soon, and we explained we had some lines to film then we were gone. They told us they wanted to film without us there because they thought that we'd "Show Danny up". Although some of the riders there were capable of doing that (Not that they would've tried to, obviously), it seemed kinda strange to me, but from the sorta whack stuff they asked him to do I can kinda see how Derek Strickland doing a 270 whip over the hip at blue banks would make someone backhopping in a circle seem kinda average.

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Hey, wow there now... Just don't forget where you are Mr Westlake!!

I'm not saying that's all that Danny is capable of, but if they were filming him doing that backhopping bit or whatever it was he did there, and in shot you could see someone boosting that hip or doing some other tricks, it's going to make him look shit, isn't it? Not because he's shit obviously, but just because of what he's being made to do.

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I'm not saying that's all that Danny is capable of, but if they were filming him doing that backhopping bit or whatever it was he did there, and in shot you could see someone boosting that hip or doing some other tricks, it's going to make him look shit, isn't it? Not because he's shit obviously, but just because of what he's being made to do.

You were saying that backhopping in a circle isn't as impressive, difficult or cool as 270 whipping a hip. How dare you, how very dare you! :P

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Its great to see are sport bein chosen for sumthing like this. I can only say the Guys from the Band (Doves) saw dannys riding in his lastest video, and wanted him for there next music video. Lets hope alot more happens with are sport and just keep pushing yourselfs if u want to get to his level.

Greats video + album (Y)

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I actually really enjoyed watching that to be honest...

“Doing the Doves video was fun because I like the band,” he said. “I only do this because I enjoy riding my bike. I knew people involved in trial biking would enjoy the video but to have people like Lance Armstrong commenting on it is amazing.”

Edited by Hannah Shucksmith
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just watched this a second time... liked it alot more, i guess from a none trials perspective this would quite a poetic thing, not too much depth to it but then again its just a music video, props to danny i saw him while they were shooting and he was out till 6am shooting this! haha bit of history in that vid aswell cus that estate will be knocked down soon! (biggest in london i think)

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