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Starting Bike

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Hi all i need some advice.

First off im brand new here at the Trials forum, and at trials. but im eager to get started.

I live in Sweden and here Trials isnt at all as big a market as in the UK. there fore getting a ok starter bike isnt easy.

im mainly lf a 2nd hand bike as my income isnt so great atm.

and as a said its not easy to find a bike at all ive looked on sites and all i can find is like 4-5 bikes in whole sweden thats up 4 sale :S

I have looked on a Onza Cleaner is this a good starter bike? http://www.winstanleysbikes.co.uk/product/...rials_Bike_2008

i can get this bike in a almost new condition for around 300.

Also im kinda confused about what size 20 or 26 to look 4. i live in the city so thats my field to ride on.

and since im a beginner whats easyest to learn on?

i have around 350 to put on a bike. and lots of nice bikes in the UK but the shipping fee to sweden is kinda high i think.. not sure... but any advice on bikes around that or a guideline what to look 4 would be nice.

thx 4 any replys i may get. :)

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the best advice i can give you is to go out and ride at least one of each type of bike.

20" is a mod bike so a much smaller bike with a much smaller frame. the smaller tires dont roll over things like a 26" tire will. 26" wheels taco easier than 20".

the 26" wheeled bike are usually called stock bikes but there are modstock bikes which are a mod bike like frame with 26" tires. to confuse you more, there are 24" wheeled bikes too. i believe these are mainly for a urban style of riding.

personally id pay a few extra bucks to get the magura hydraulic rim brakes over V-brakes or cable disk brakes. from what i hear, hydraulic disk brakes are very nice. at the very least the magura HS33s on the rear.

im also a beginner and i found that i like the mod bikes because of their size and flickability. a co-worker built him self a stock bike and that, to me, weights alot more and doest have the same kind of maneuverability and bounce the mod bikes do.

look at pawn shops and second hand shops too, i got my bike in a secondhand bike shop for 235 USD. it was basically new when i got it, the shop didnt know what it was worth. :D

i live about 30miles from webcyclery and every time i talk to them about what i should get and not the answer is always" Its all personal preference". you could buy a 4,000 dollar bike and still have a 300 dollar beater bike feel better and ride better because its more suited to you. find what is most comfortable for you and look for bikes that are like that.

some food for thought. ^_^

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