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Hd Editing, Use Of Intermediate Codec?


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I am looking at editing some HD clips in .mov (h.264) format. I have quickly discovered that most software is fairly slow etc (Despite a fast pc..) Can anyone recommend some conversion software for converting it to another easier to manage format?



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HD will invariably require a bit more processing power than most...As you say a fast pc, is it quad core? Im pretty sure it would be, but if not that could be one factor to think about which would help speed up

As for editing...I capture using adobe premiere to raw AVI format (this is standard def now) and these files are pretty big, like gb/minute big. I drag and drop them into adobe and it works fine (quad core 2.6 GHZ processor)

Sometimes if you capture, and the convert captured footage to WMV, MPEG etc, not only are you reducing final quality (by rendering to one format, then another) but it can often confuse matters for the pc and slow it down.

At the expense of hard disk space, try capturing raw, use that to edit, then export it raw. I then use VirtualDub to encode to DivX just because its simple, and most people have it.

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