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Most Funny Riding Moments.


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Share with us your funniest riding accidents or funny things that have happened when out riding.


No sick pictures of broken legs or gashing wounds.

No things that will put anyone off going out biking.

This should be fun!! :giggle:

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This one time, at band camp....... :P

Nah, back in septemberl when I first got my t-vee. Went and rode in newbury with connor powell, woody etc. This drunk man comes and starts shouting at us and chucking apples at us, so we started to move on when Connor picked up one of the apples and winged it at this drunk matey skimming his nose. He looked confused for like a minute, then worked out that it was an apple thown to him, not a bottle of Gin.

Haha good days. :D

EDIT: Found the FAIL of a topic I made later that day. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....chucking+apples

Edited by Borat
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My chain snaped, and i hit my knee very hard on stem and because i was in pain for osme reson i started shouting at my phone to shut up cause it was playing music haha.

Then limped home looks a right pillack.

Peace out.


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i was playing around on my old monty when i first got it and i was working on stoppies after i tared my brakes. i was going down my driveway twards a metal shed then hit the front brake "SQUEEK!" and i want over the handlebars head first in to the side of the shed and i ended up entertaining my neighbors. :$

that and when i took my monty to school, stared showing off forgetting i had a backpack on. i forgot to tweak my balance point for the added backpack and tried to do a wheelie and promptly flipped over landing on my back in front of half the high school. :lol:

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One rainy sunday we were all stood in the bus station keeping dry and getting bored waiting for it to stop when i looked up to see brian flying along in a manual at quite some speed but where his rims werent ground (this was before people started grinding there rims) he has reached the balance point very quickly the brake didnt grip and went sliding about 20 feet up the pavement on his arse still holding on to his bars in the riding position! We wet ourselves at him! Funny as f**k!

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Lol some funny stories in here the manual one is proper funny ...Lmao

Anyways me and me mate josh had been riding down oaky and thought we,d take a short cut back home through a old quarry.

So we was walking through when i saw this horse coming running , at first i thought it was playing with its foel until it started running towards us .

At this point i started running with josh but then jumped on my bike and pedaled like f#ck but the tyres where spinning on the gravel ,lol

Josh could,nt run for laughing at me , and i just couldn't get out of the quarry quick enough lol

Edited by Mtchell
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Lol those riding moments are funny,specialy the one bout the drunk guy and the apples :P

i rememba back in the day when planet x zebedis where like the best thing in the world along with the hawyes giants! and if you had hs33 racelines or tomacs you were the bomb! lol!

me and about six bedford riders were riding in the town centre in bedford near harpur square,outside boots,if your from or have ridden in bedford you probably know the dinky donuts lady and the little van thing she runs it out of in the winter,well we all had decided to sit for a little while,and there was a power lead that runs out from her van,n goes into a socket under some benches,haha my mate unplugged it and you just heard it go really quiet for a minute because her transformer generator thingy stopped,we all looked at eachother and wondered what was going to happen...........then BANG!!! the door on this donut van flew open and this crazy little old italian woman came running at us,WITH A WHEEL BRACE IN HAND!! waving it high in the air!! screamin BASTARDO'S!! I TEACHA YOU TO MESS WITHA ME AY!! she chased us out of the pedestrianised area of the town,was sooo funny as we were all riding away laughing and screamin,nearly falling off,dodging in and out of people while this mad woman chased us to beat us with a bar :D hahaha

shes still there now outside M&S,so if u ever ride there,beware the ice cream/dinky donut lady :P

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Good ones, love the manual in the rain. Sounds like something I would get myself into if I could manage manuals.

About two days ago was playing about on my little stacks of poorly constructed wooden things. Bravery got the best of me as I rolled onto my tallest wire spool. About two feet to my right was a skinny attached between some pallets. Went to rock over and place the front tire on it and damn if it didn't move to the right on me at the last second. Ok, I just missed it. Watching the instantaneous nose dive was probably entertaining for my neighbors. Anyways, got tangled up in the bike proper upon landing. Good times!

As far as XC riding, was zipping down a trail that was rather tree 'rooty'. Rear tire gets to hopping all about and I start to roll mostly on the front tire. Bad news, right? Fire off into some small trees and come to an abrupt stop all hanging over my bars. The rear tire was stuck on some limbs, the rear of the bike was suspended about a foot up and I was still clipped in. My friends were approaching and didn't want them to see me like that, but couldn't get myself off the bike fast enough. Had to basically unclip and fall to the ground to escape the tangle. Also got to push the bike home as some spokes got worked over pretty well. Worth the good laughs though.

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.................,WITH A WHEEL BRACE IN HAND!! waving it high in the air!! screamin BASTARDO'S!! I TEACHA YOU TO MESS WITHA ME AY!! she chased us out of the pedestrianised area of the town,was sooo funny as we were all riding away laughing and screamin,nearly falling off,dodging in and out of people...............

Lmao I i love it when you can't run for laughing lol

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attempted a pedal kick off a wall a lil bit taller than me (im 5'11) and at the last possible second i had one of those wat the hell am i dong moments so tried to bail out, i let go of the back brake that was holding the front up obviously (i know it was dumb) so obviously just fell down the wall with the bike inbetween my legs and when i hit the floor my legs were both sticking out either side so my arse had a nice lil visit with my frame :)

i am pretty sure the bike actually entered where no bike should ever go cos it was f***ing painfull

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Guest itstroy08

Very funny so far

I was riding with a ground rim and about a can of tar spray on my rear, left it near a heater to get very tacky, was on a bar hight wall got on the rear, went to kick off and front dropped waiting for the back to kick but no luck so i was straight over my bars, head hit the front tyre, feet got caught on the bars and went about 3 yards down the street on my hands trying to get it off me,

What made it so bad it was in the town center at 11:35.

Thats the last time i ever touched tar spray :L.

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