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What Could Be Done To Improve My Editing.


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Jack, this is an example of a good video in my eyes. Minimal editting, with a decent tune and flowing riding. Obviously, Nick is one of the best riders in the UK so his riding will be better than most, but his riding consists of technical lines and style, not necersarily on big moves, which i've found that more people like to watch. The only edits used are fade outs and fast motion, these edits are not overused and allow the video to generally flow better which is very important to maintain the viewers attention. Crappy edits are just generally annoying, and slow motion is only really needed if it meets the music, or if you're trying to achieve a particular theme, not really needed on a sidehop, tap etc. Music is also very important. Do not use a song that has already been used - again, this is very annoying and not very original. Before releasing a video, make sure the music fits your style of riding and you're happy with the riding featured, rather than saying ' I only have a muddy bank, you don't understand', save some clips up rather than using clips shot on one or two rides.

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This applies for the majority of the forum, if you don't know how to edit well then why do you need to?

Lets face it, if your video is just for us faces on the forum we want to see you ride.

I've said it many times, simplicity is the key. Don't go over the top on angles, close-ups, slowing clips down, just get it together so it flows.

If anyone is impressed by a certain clip in the video, they will rewind and watch it again, videos need to be simple and to the point, I personally can't stand watching videos that have a 30 second long intro.

Look at the highly popular Danny Mac video, you will notice that first there is a lot of variety in different moves, but editing wise it is usually clip after clip of riding (with the odd cut away to provide a break from the viewer watching just riding, but that is acceptable with a video that well made and of such high skill).

You've got to think, what are people going to watch, make it as simple as possible, I started playing your example and didn't bother watching it because of the long intro.

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Ahh ok, so no long intros. :)

Unless there's a point to it, introducing something, not just some grass or something.

There's a video that I'm thinking of but can't remember where it is - it's a guy drifting in an old Jap rwd car, it starts off really slow for about a minute with arty shots around the car in black and white and then bursts into colour switching to him doing about 80 sideways round a track :)

It's a little cliche but it's a nice video.

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