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Bikes In Uni Halls?


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im with you. im never gonna leave my bike out side of my dorm for more than class time. my bikes (my trialer and my full suspension) will be going in my room every night. ill be keeping them as close as possible.

at the college im going to i hear that some wicked hooks can be made out of the shelves on the walls that a bike can be put on. (if you bike has suspension forks do NOT hang it upside down. they will leak.)

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(if you bike has suspension forks do NOT hang it upside down. they will leak.)

They shouldn't leak. If you're leaving the bike for an extended period of time, people say you should leave it upside-down so the oil bathes the seals and they don't dry out.

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Bowen was in halls in his first year at plymouth and he always had his bike in his room and alot of the time mine as well he did get caught a few times but hour later it was in his room anyway.

Dont leave it outside in plymouth mine was outside the art college at plymouth locked up for an hour and it was stolen

There is alot of pikey's in the old plymski

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