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I was sat having a coffee in the car when it said 'Micheal Jackson has been rushed into hospital, more news on that as we recieve it' and then all of a sudden it was 'Micheal Jackson is dead'.

Pretty strange to think of it now though, especially playing his music over the radio - which people are complaining about!? What the hell do they expect?! If you don't like it then turn the f**king radio off.

I remember listening to MJ albums at a mates house when I was little, playing Micheal Jacksons Moonwalker on the Sega for hours and hours. I usually don't care about celebrities, although this is the first time I've actually been a bit upset to hear news like this.

Of course, the news coverage have turned it round to make him the all mighty God, despite ripping him apart for allegations previously. Once again, another example of guilty until proven innocent. However he was cleared of all charges.

His music will certainly go down in history and I hope its still played for years to come.

Edit: Oh...and I wish people would stop making up their own jokes, most of them are truely shit!

"Probly was watching a THRILLER n it finished him off"


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I was sat having a coffee in the car when it said 'Micheal Jackson has been rushed into hospital, more news on that as we recieve it' and then all of a sudden it was 'Micheal Jackson is dead'.

Pretty strange to think of it now though, especially playing his music over the radio - which people are complaining about!? What the hell do they expect?! If you don't like it then turn the f**king radio off.

I remember listening to MJ albums at a mates house when I was little, playing Micheal Jacksons Moonwalker on the Sega for hours and hours. I usually don't care about celebrities, although this is the first time I've actually been a bit upset to hear news like this.

Of course, the news coverage have turned it round to make him the all mighty God, despite ripping him apart for allegations previously. Once again, another example of guilty until proven innocent. However he was cleared of all charges.

His music will certainly go down in history and I hope its still played for years to come.

Edit: Oh...and I wish people would stop making up their own jokes, most of them are truely shit!

"Probly was watching a THRILLER n it finished him off"


Well said, he will be hugely missed.

His music was and will always will be timeless, and i for one will remember him as the King of pop.

(oh yeah, I still have my old mega drive with moonwalker, might have to fire it up!)

RIP Michael

Andy B

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(oh yeah, I still have my old mega drive with moonwalker, might have to fire it up!)

Haha, good idea! I somewhat suspect the price of the Sega game has rocketed now.

I loved the start of the game, when he flicked the coin and it went into the Jukebox..."Who's baaad?!"

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However he was cleared of all charges.

I'm afraid that means absolutely nothing. The whole court case was a joke- he turned up in pyjamas on a least one day... just a massive publicity stunt which proved nothing. And yeah, I don't want to turn this into a slagging match or start arguments. If anything it should've been his father on trial for screwing up his kid so much.

I think it's a shame how things turned out for him in the later part of his life; he should be remembered for his contribution to music, which was considerable.

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Is it not strange, that people are going around now ' RIP MJ' etc. Similliar to Jade Goody?

Whilst alive they're scum, yet when dead heroes?

Gotta agree with Mark on this one, Jade Goody did nothing for the world except be a fat ignorant unattractive slob, Yet Thriller is the best selling album of all time, kinda on different levels of celebrity don't you think? Jade Goody got famous for being a f**king mong, Michael Jackson was one of the most talented musicians ever.


That was a rather large jump - and who ever that is, how are they getting out of the £10mil bid?

Errm, pretty sure that's a bid to make sure no one buys them :rolleyes:

I think it's a shame how things turned out for him in the later part of his life; he should be remembered for his contribution to music, which was considerable.

Completely agree with that, and I still think the paedophillia charges were complete bullshit.

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Completely agree with that, and I still think the paedophillia charges were complete bullshit.

The way I see it is that I don't think he was a paedophile, not in the real sense of someone who sexually lusts after kids. I think his upbringing messed him up so much that he was basically always living his life as a child (something he wasn't allowed to do when he actually was a child) and the only people who could really relate to that were children. I don't think there was anything properly sinister about it, and the charges and claims amounted to people praying on him as a weak person with sooo much money and so little grasp on 'normal' people's lives.

On another note (sorry), It's come to light that he didn't die in hospital of a heart attack he was in the children's ward having a stroke.

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As a result of Michael Jackson's death, all the forthcoming London dates have been cancelled. Daniel 12, Peter 6 and Toby 8 are said to be devastated.

In all seriousness though, i liked the music/ him (at times), shame his life got so screwed up in later years. Rip fella :(

Edited by Skoze
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The world is deeply saddened at the loss of the king of pop, during his life he touched so many people including tommy 9, james 6 and daniel 5!

Edit: Michel Jackson died last night in LA. Doctors said that he didn't go stiff until they wheeled him past the childrens ward.

Edited by ashk16
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