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New Members Jokes Thread!


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A new games console has just been released and its called nintendo wii game boy.

The scottish peedafile assosiation are sueing them who made it becasue they thaught it was a small boy that you played with

Turns out the game boy was wank


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  Cotty08 said:
A new games console has just been released and its called nintendo wii game boy.

The scottish peedafile assosiation are sueing them who made it becasue they thaught it was a small boy that you played with

Turns out the game boy was wank


Not the best i've herd. no offence.


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  Cotty08 said:
A new games console has just been released and its called nintendo wii game boy.

The scottish peedafile assosiation are sueing them who made it becasue they thaught it was a small boy that you played with

Turns out the game boy was wank


Lol , and your sig is a bit faggish

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If Harry Potter is so magical, why can't he fix his own f*cking eyesight?

If Ron Weasley is so magical, why cant he change the colour of his f*ckin hair?

I went out on the town last night and I didn't pull, but as I was walking home I saw a big fat tart pissed up laying on the pavement. I took her knickers off and started shagging her. I was immediately pulled away and arrested.

I never even saw the chalk line round her body.

My daughter came out of the closet recently.

I'm just pi**ed off that I can't afford a cellar like that showy Austrian c*nt.

Just had a water fight over the park with a bunch of local kids.

I won!

No one's a match for me and my kettle.

When watching Michael Jackson's coffin being pushed away by the Jackson Brothers, was anybody else reminded of those two words...

Cool Runnings.

Recently, I saw an article about Americans sending their old clothes over to the poor in Africa.

Pointless, I've never seen an African with a 52 inch waist.

Statistically... 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape.

My mum caught me masturbating the other day.

I'm not sure what freaked her out more:

The fact that I had my hands down my pants

Or that I was sat looking at my recently dead hamster while I did it.

You know you've got a problem when every letter of the alphabet triggers a porn bonanza in your address bar.

What's small black and irish ?


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  Cotty08 said:
Man gives blood 2 save his wifes life.

A few months later they are divorced.

Man says to ex "i want my blood back bitch"

Woman throws tampon at man and says

"here i pay you back monthly"


LOL. Thats quite discusting, but hey.

  chiefy said:
If Harry Potter is so magical, why can't he fix his own f*cking eyesight?

If Ron Weasley is so magical, why cant he change the colour of his f*ckin hair?

I went out on the town last night and I didn't pull, but as I was walking home I saw a big fat tart pissed up laying on the pavement. I took her knickers off and started shagging her. I was immediately pulled away and arrested.

I never even saw the chalk line round her body.

My daughter came out of the closet recently.

I'm just pi**ed off that I can't afford a cellar like that showy Austrian c*nt.

Just had a water fight over the park with a bunch of local kids.

I won!

No one's a match for me and my kettle.

When watching Michael Jackson's coffin being pushed away by the Jackson Brothers, was anybody else reminded of those two words...

Cool Runnings.

Recently, I saw an article about Americans sending their old clothes over to the poor in Africa.

Pointless, I've never seen an African with a 52 inch waist.

Statistically... 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape.

My mum caught me masturbating the other day.

I'm not sure what freaked her out more:

The fact that I had my hands down my pants

Or that I was sat looking at my recently dead hamster while I did it.

You know you've got a problem when every letter of the alphabet triggers a porn bonanza in your address bar.

What's small black and irish ?


HAHAHAHA most of these made me laugh especially the harry potter ones.



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  Cotty08 said:
A new games console has just been released and its called nintendo wii game boy.

The scottish peedafile assosiation are sueing them who made it becasue they thaught it was a small boy that you played with

Turns out the game boy was wank


haaahahehahahahahahahaheheheheheh thats so funny :lol: hahahhehehhahahheh best one on the jokes topic :lol: by far hehhah

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come on the ladies, lets see what youve got!

Also on a not as fun note, There are to be no more mj jokes in this thread as others have been finding it rather rude.! aparently.

on a happy note no one seems to care about jade goodie so alls well in the hood (Y).

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  Seabasss said:
come on the ladies, lets see what youve got!

Also on a not as fun note, There are to be no more mj jokes in this thread as others have been finding it rather rude.! aparently.

on a happy note no one seems to care about jade goodie so alls well in the hood (Y).

What is the difference between jade goody and a moped?

A moped can reach 30.

jade goody has been cheered up by one bit of good news today.

She got ten quid on eBay for her hairdryer.

Something To Brighten Your Day...

When you next find yourself with nothing to do,try this...

1.Create a new folder on your desktop.

2.Rename it "jade goody's Cancer"

3.Right click on it and click on delete

4.When the box "would you like to remove jade goodys cancer?" appears...Click "NO"

5.Repeat as many times as you like but NEVER click YES!

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If you want sick jokes, head over to Sickipedia.com (>50% of the jokes in this thread are plagiarised from there, including the one below)

Quick reminder on the guidelines:

4. Racism Minimum Penalty - 2 Warning Points

Trials-Forum is open to people from any race, gender, physical or mental condition, sexual preference/orientation, IQ, age or religion, and as such intolerance of other people's beliefs, culture, IQ, gender, physical or mental conditions, sexual preference/orientation or age is unacceptable.


Back on topic:

I knew a guy who fell into an industrial grinding machine.

He’s fine now.

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  quick_spider said:
If you want sick jokes, head over to Sickipedia.com (>50% of the jokes in this thread are plagiarised from there, including the one below)

Quick reminder on the guidelines:

4. Racism Minimum Penalty - 2 Warning Points

Trials-Forum is open to people from any race, gender, physical or mental condition, sexual preference/orientation, IQ, age or religion, and as such intolerance of other people's beliefs, culture, IQ, gender, physical or mental conditions, sexual preference/orientation or age is unacceptable.


Back on topic:

I knew a guy who fell into an industrial grinding machine.

He’s fine now.

That would be the site were i get mine .

Sorry to anyone who i personally offended by the jokes ive posted but i have nothing against people of different colors races etc.

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  Seabasss said:
OK heres a way for the newbys to keep happy :D

Theres allways rules!

NO race joke's

NO offencive joke's against people on the forum!

NO jokes under 10 words

now this is a joke thread so dosent have to be bike related.!!!!!! <


Note: chatup lines, sligh comments etc are all jokes just dont be getting hannah into it or shell just comeone to every one :P

let the jokes commence . .. . . . ... .

haha i got a good on wat do u call a scotish clockroom atendent ?

angus mc coat up

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where do ants go on holiday ??

Fr - ants

How do toads travel ???


Why are school cooks cruel??

Because they batter fish and beat eggs

What do you call a ant who honestly hates school ???


Why did the cyclops give up teaching ???

Because he only had 1 pupil

What can a school boy keep and give away at the same time ???

A cold

Why is history like fruit-cake ???

Because its full of dates

Why dont skeletons play music in the church ??

Because they have no organs


thats it for today more unfunny jokes soon


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