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Bums, Vagrants, Panhandlers, Vagabonds, Guttersnipes ...


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Yes, these worthless drains on society are everywhere. Foul smelling slabs of talking meat that want nothing more than a free ride.

Seems lately they've become a bit more aggressive in my area. What used to be a simple question of "Hey man, spare any change" has become a practice of following me around trying to wrestle a few bucks out of me. Used to be I'd live in a crummy area, so I dressed the part as a poor school kid and no one would bother me, but now I've got to get spiffed up for work and look more like a potential target for these f**kers.

Any of you have useful ways of telling them to buzz off, or something funny that makes them disappear by instantly putting them on the defensive?

Was thinking of pocketing a few empty .45 cal shells, so they jingle like change. When some filthy sh*tbag asks me for some change, I can produce these and say something like "Sorry, chief, all I have are these casings I need to get rid of. Want 'em?" Might be odd enough to make them second guess harassing me, maybe? Would be funny either way.

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Start asking them for shit. It's exactly the same principle ;)

Another good one:

I work in Leeds centre and every day you get the charity people coming up to you with clipboards. It gets well annoying doing the usual 'I'm in a rush' or pretending to text so what you want to do is buy a Big Issue in the morning and carry it everywhere. When a charity (note: not homeless) person comes up to you flash 'em the Big Issue and say 'Sorry, already bought one today.' They get well offended!

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it depends, the ones just sittin there asking for change get ignored,the ones that ask for change towards a hostel, or a warm meal, also generally get span the "i aint got no change on me", but occasionally you get the odd one who comes up and gives it the old "Alright mate, times are hard, im homeless, dont suppose u could spare me some change so i can get a few tinnies" them kinda guys are at least honest, and generally get 50p-£1(which id probably of chucked in the fruit machine anyway)

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I never know what I'm supposed to do. The most difficult are the ones that ask for a stupidly small amount - like 10p or something. How can you say no to 10p? But on the other hand, I dislike being put into that position where I look like a dick for saying no. Strange one.

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  Tomm said:
I never know what I'm supposed to do. The most difficult are the ones that ask for a stupidly small amount - like 10p or something. How can you say no to 10p? But on the other hand, I dislike being put into that position where I look like a dick for saying no. Strange one.

They generally ask for something small 'cos chances are, if you've got 10p you've got some other change too, so they'll ask for that as well.

The worst are the ones who wait outside 24/7 type shops to nab you as you're pocketing your change (got my 'Drop the big coins into the pocket, pretend to fumble the coppers' technique pretty dialled, never gave away more than about 20p max to the smackheads who used to lurk my local shop), or by cashpoints (NO-ONE'S GOING TO GIVE YOU A f**kING TENNER).

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There's a guy round me whos sound as an I always chat to so always buy him food cos he loiters around the Gregs on Watford High Street, is a really sound an interesting guy. When i mentioned I do photography he was well up for a few portraits but didn't have a cam on me and contacting him is a bit of an issue :lol:

As for not giving them money, just use the age old 'sorry mate got no change', they get turned down by hundreds of people a day so it's not like they're gonna harrass one bloke too much.

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When I went to Vancouver (Canada), I was shocked by the difference in beggars over there. They were much more polite, and would sometimes open doors for you. Still made you feel pretty uncomfortable though.

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I'm skint enough as it is, and I never usually have change on me anyway! So most of the time when I do come across one (Rare sight where I live) I just say I don't have any, and go on my way.

Oh, I'm not saying I live in a posh area where everyone's well off, I live in a small village, and I'm usually about in the local town, which is pretty small anyway.

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  Tomm said:
When I went to Vancouver (Canada), I was shocked by the difference in beggars over there. They were much more polite, and would sometimes open doors for you. Still made you feel pretty uncomfortable though.

In Halifax (one of the places in Canada i went) there was a crew of super ratty, always battered beggars that would be on the corner of a big junction an when you stopped in the car would run out and clean your windscreen for small change. Offering a service at least, but was a bit of a shock the first time you see 3 stone age looking men surround your car :lol:

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Yeah, if these fellas had some character and wanted something like books or food or manners, I don't think I'd mind tossing them a few coins, but most of the the ingrates around here are pretty aggressive about it. I'm not a small guy, but they get a bit of the fear out of me at times, and I've lived in some sketchy areas throughout my teens and twenties.

Onzaboymark, the one thing I have learned is to always pocket your money before leaving the store, that way you're not fumbling around with change and the like where they can see a 'mark.'

I do like the guys who hit you up for cash and then feed you this giant story about how their kids are starving and their car ran out of gas on the way to the hospital to see their grandmother, who, by the way, is very ill, and their wife lost all 3 of her jobs and pigs are flying and whatnot. They crack me up.

Two days later they pick you out and tell you the same thing.

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kinda reminds me of the gogodegogo men on holiday (or some other politically incorrect name for them) that want to sell you sunglasses and stuff. Theres nothing i enjoy more than wasting 15mins of their time, acting real interested, haggling them down to like 3 quid and then finally saying ' na im okay thanks actually'.

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  Ollie Histon said:
kinda reminds me of the gogodegogo men on holiday (or some other politically incorrect name for them) that want to sell you sunglasses and stuff. Theres nothing i enjoy more than wasting 15mins of their time, acting real interested, haggling them down to like 3 quid and then finally saying ' na im okay thanks actually'.

When I was a toddler my two older brothers dug a big f**k off hole on the beach and covered it with a towel, with sand and a few stones around the edge to hold the towel reasonably flat. They lured one of those guys over (practically a mobile shop) and he went straight down it as he stepped on the towel, breaking his leg in the process. Pretty harsh stuff!

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