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Any Ideas For Making Cash At 14 Years Old?


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So here it is, after watching a lot and of trial videos and reading a lot about it (including on this forum) I decided to start trial ;) ...when I'll get cash :S ...I just can't do anything to make money I'm starting to be desesperate :( . I already gave some papers saying that I can mow the lawn, wash cars or walk dogs but no one called me for that :( . So I was wondering if any of you have an idea to make money when you're 14 years old...real ideas not like sell drugs or anything, I'm serious and I need this money soon cause I want to start trial this summer...thanks for your adices in advance

Edited by simlesuperlol
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14 years old or not, stop being a prat. Take the advice in the last topic you made, which was just as shit, and realise that honestly nobody gives a toss how you make your money at 14.

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There aren't many things you can do at 14 but odd jobs and paper rounds. So do those.
i got my first job at 12 just by going about the town one night after school into all the pubs and restaurants looking for a kp's job, why can't you do the same?
wash cars mow lawns do house work at yours to get pocket money
Buy boxes of sweets from macro and sell them for a profit at school.
Get someone older than you to buy you 50g of baccy, make loads of rollies and sell for 40-50p at school. ;)
Get someone to get you some fags and sell them at school. Going rate wheb i was at school was 50p a fag.

Say a 10 deck=£2.50. 10x50p = £5.00. Win?

I did a paper round for 10er a week before I bought my first trials bike.

It took forever but I used to come home from shcool and ride until dinner, then go back out.

These are all from your first thread. They are pretty much EVERYTHING you can do at 14. Go to bed.

EDIT: don't go to bed, just realised where you're from. The rest stands though.

Edited by JD™
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These are all from your first thread. They are pretty much EVERYTHING you can do at 14. Go to bed.

EDIT: don't go to bed, just realised where you're from. The rest stands though.

A bunch of them are crap and other's like sell those at school...well.. SCHOOL'S OUT! Plus I already said mowing the lawn and washing cars doesn't work at all. And if you were 14 trying to get some money you'll do as me, trying to get adices from nice people,

Edited by simlesuperlol
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At 14 there is nothing you can do to get money, other than the stuff that has been suggested.

If that's not working for you then try and get some patience.

Making identical threads won't magic you a job, you'll just get abuse or the same ideas posted again.

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A bunch of them are crap and other's like sell those at school...well.. SCHOOL'S OUT! Plus I already said mowing the lawn and washing cars doesn't work at all. And if you were 14 trying to get some money you'll do as me, trying to get adices from nice people,

f**king hell.... ADVICE. Learn it.

Mowing the lawn and washing cars DOES work. I'm 22, that means I HAVE been 14. So has Mike, and all the other people who gave you advice. We all did the same things, and had to learn patience. You'll have to do the same, there's no other way.

EDIT: And that is being nice.

Edited by JD™
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