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Close: Your Not Allowed To Dicuss Bike Related Things On A Bike Specif


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Reading the replys to thishad made time at school fun :lol:

also tom you best be putting some thing funny :P

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2 Members: Dale-Hill, tomturd

i know, ive been waiting for like 5 mins, either the mighty turd is reading really slowly or is writing something epic

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I don't see why everyone hates Chinnery so much, Okay so hes posted a few wank topics and posts in his time, Hes obviously been let back in to Members for a reason so the mods must have seen hes changed and has been given a second chance, Why anyone else can't do the same thing is beyond me, Plus 80% dont even f**king know the guy!

Edited by Connor Powell
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I don't see why everyone hates Chinnery so much, Okay so hes posted a few wank topics and posts in his time, Hes obviously been let back in to Members for a reason so the mods must have seen hes changed and has been given a second chance, Why anyone else can't do the same thing is beyond me, Plus 80% dont even f**king know the guy!

To be fair, I place you in the same category as him so it's no surprise that you think he's sound.

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I think the whole issue with this was that the OP didn't convey himself very well. I didn't really figure what he was getting at because it didn't make much sense because of the way it was typed out. No big deal - seems it's been blown way out of proportion. Just my humble opinion. Carry on.

Edited for seplling

Edited by Tappets
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Jack Chinnery is sound.

He is a good person, just on here people might think he's a dick.

Once you get to know him he's alright.

thanks for clearing that up (Y)

Still, putting lighter components on your bike will pretty much always until hell freezes over make your bike lighter. Unless you're just adding more and more bits and not taking any off.

Ash, in well too early :P

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I think the whole issue with this was that the OP didn't convey himself very well. I didn't really figure what he was getting at because it didn't make much sense because of the way it was typed out. No big deal - seems it's been blown way out of proportion. Just my humble opinion. Carry on.

Edited for seplling

Saying "I bought a new stem and bar combo. My old setup was just under 1kg. My bike weighs 9.5kg. My bike is now lighter." - who gives a shit? It's obviously going to be the case that if you put a lighter part on your bike your bike will weigh less, and it's pretty obvious if you change your bar and stem even if it weighed the same your bike's going to ride differently. If there'd actually been a 'My new bar/stem combo is ____g' bit in there so it was actually a quantifiable difference it might have made this thread a bit more worthwhile, but to throw your toys out the pram and do a "Wah wah, you can't talk about bikes in here, wah wah" title edit just because you got called out for stating the bloody obvious seems pretty childish?

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