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Physics Questions...


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Basically I have an exam in college where I have a couple of questions to do. The questions are distinction questions and because of this the lecturer says he wont tell us how to do it wer expected to work it out. Im stuck on 2 questions, Iv got everything else, but I think its abit much to be expected to work out how to do this without being given any hint or clue atall. Im aware there are a few engineers on here, so thought it would be a good idea to ask on here..

The question I have the biggest issue with is the one where Im given a solid mass, and the weight of it in water, and the weight in air, if I remember correctly Im given the density of the water its in. The question is, what is the density of the solid mass?

Come to think of it I cant remember the second one off the top of my head, Il edit once Iv found it.

Obviously Im including no numbers etc. Im not exactly asking for answers to the question, purley some kind of idea as to the method I should be using...

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The question I have the biggest issue with is the one where Im given a solid mass, and the weight of it in water, and the weight in air, if I remember correctly Im given the density of the water its in. The question is, what is the density of the solid mass?

Weight = mass x gravitational constant.

You're given the weight in air (in Newtons I presume) and you know the acceleration due to gravity (~9.81ms^-2) so you can work out the mass.

From the weight in water you can work out the volume of the object because the difference between the weight in water and the weight in air is due to the buoyancy (weight of water displaced).

From there (I think) you should have the mass and the volume and since

Mass = density x volume.

You can work out the density.

Or something like that...

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