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Any Drummers Here?


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Ive been playing for a fair while, and i also have to say im not a fan of electric kits.

In my opinion it just doesnt feel right (until you get to the 2-4000 kits) and there's no way of sounding better than an undampened acoustic kit. Also i got some of the vic firth dampning pads, and they dont feel right either.

Ive been trying quite a few starter kits at sound attak, and my favorite has to be the mapex QR. But the most important thing is what kind of drumming your doing.

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Looks like someone will be needing a new china soon. :P

Haha yep, it's totally destroyed now, along with that AAX on the right hand side, although that's been replaced with a K Custom so i'm being a little more careful now...:D

If you're looking for a starter kit, just get whatever really. The only things that differ between 'Rock' kits and 'Jazz' kits are the shell dimensions. When you're starting out all you're going to want is something to hit, so don't even worry about kit sizes yet.

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