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Dodgey Places And Scarey Stories.


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If you follow the A52 out of Nottingham towards Grantham and go left at the Shell station it's just down there, best go quick as I think the whole site has been sold... Been busted there a couple of times too.

Half of it is now a business park and the rest is still all houses etc, i live in the village next to it, its Newton RAF base, i live in Bingham.

Several of the houses were burnt down by ruffians a couple of weeks ago.

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Got halfway through reading all this last week but gave up as I was on my own in a signalbox in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night.

Still not much better reading it in broad daylight in a signalbox in the middle of nowhere!

have i ever told you the story about a man alone in a signal box....? :shifty:

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bump :) loved this topoc :giggle:

same, havent got any stories, though there is a few dogey places near me.

Theres the ol' haunted craig dunnain mental home. Well it was a mental home, not anymore, just a haunted, extremely spookey/scary building. Though a couple of mates went and camped there a few weeks back!! (including the member on here 'angua' haha)

Wouldnt catch me within a mile of that place! (though i think its less than a mile away from me lol).

Anybody got any scary storys/pics of dodgey places near them?

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i live on a farm pretty much. down on the marshes is this old abondoned house, just one single house in the middle of nowhere. no civilization for 2 miles. its abandoned as there used to be a dairy farm down there but the flood of '59 washed everything away bar the house. anyway me and a colleague had to go down there to fill in a window that had been broken into. im not even gonna type what i saw in there because it shits me up propper, but christ it scared me. never going in there again. D:

http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&tab=wl link fail

Edited by dirt jumper jake
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i live on a farm pretty much. down on the marshes is this old abondoned house, just one single house in the middle of nowhere. no civilization for 2 miles. its abandoned as there used to be a dairy farm down there but the flood of '59 washed everything away bar the house. anyway me and a colleague had to go down there to fill in a window that had been broken into. im not even gonna type what i saw in there because it shits me up propper, but christ it scared me. never going in there again. D:

You have to tell us, that's the idea of a scary stories thread afterall :P

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Basically. it had a well in there, f**k knows why. but after it flooded no one could get down there for about a month as the marshes on the farm are low land. so the bodys never got recovered from the house for some odd reason. anyway when me and steven went in there to re-board up the window from the inside, i shined the torch down the well and there was this skeleton down there, i dont think the person died there, because it looked like it had been placed there as it had a rope tied around the spine where the neck was. so im fairly certain it was someone trying to scare us, but christ it f**king scared me haha.

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Would it still be there? You should probably tell someone about that... Saw a story on the news about a week or so ago where they found a body of someone who went missing two years ago. Sounds shit scary either way, that'll teach you not to go shining torches down scary wells :P

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Sam Ward and I are discussing those dark rooms that I mentioned in my previous post. I thought they were army barracks but according to him it's an old hospital.


LOL that's one of my photos.

As has been previously mentioned by Monsieur Charel, that's Hilsea Lines. That particular photo is taken in defensive bastion 5.

Me and Ward have discovered a website with photos of a certain deserted MOD building on Portsdown Hill, as well as a few more. Also found out what those weird tank/boat/armored vehicle things are when you come into Portsmouth on the motorway - I now also know where they are. Appears they also have tanks there..

Portsdown Main on the hill? It's a nice building, looks a lot better now that it's been stripped of all it's nasty 80s decor back to it''s original 30s features. The amphibious vehicles are two USAF LARCS vehicles, both at Harry Pound's Scrapyard. The scariest thing about that place is the owner, he's big in one of Portsmouth's major crime families.

I honestly have no idea how I've not come across this thread before.

Edited by Mike Deere
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Would it still be there? You should probably tell someone about that... Saw a story on the news about a week or so ago where they found a body of someone who went missing two years ago. Sounds shit scary either way, that'll teach you not to go shining torches down scary wells :P

haha wont catch me going in there again anytime soon.

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