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Dodgey Places And Scarey Stories.


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Norfolk Island inbetween Australia and New Zealand.

That whole Island is Scary!

It used to be a prison for British convicts and there are heaps of old prison stuff that scares the crap out of you.

The main prison place, were hundreds of prisoners were killed has a echo to it, so walking through it at night every little noise echo's.

There was a famous convict (Whos name escapes me) was being hanged and just before he was hanged he said to one of the guards "In one week, you and your men will all die" and sure enough, when he and some of his men were rowing onto shore their boat was over turned and they were all killed on the corals.

There is a bridge called Bloody Bridge, and when the convicts were building it, they got sick of the guards who were supervising them and were being cruel to them, so they killed the guards and buried them in the bridge, when some other guards came they said "Where are the others?" and the convicts said that they had gone out on the boat and must of over turned and been killed by the coral. This worked well into blood dripped through the bricks in the wall and they were caught out. One of the convicts is the one in that prevoious bit.

After the convicts were hanged, they were buried standing up so they would never rest in peace.

Doesnt sound that scary now, but when your there at night you crap your pants.

I took a photo of the Hospital thing there and when I looked at the picture on my camera, it looked like it was on fire.

The place is just so eerie and weird, Go there and see it.

There is also roumers of a ghost of an old man who, at midnight, walks from the top stairs of a building by the shore and walks straight of the end of the loading bay into the water.

And a girl was buired alive under the floor of the kitchen, that is now a cafe, and every morning there would be a chair that in the middle of the kitchen and every night they would put it in the corner but it would end back up there. So they dug up the floor boards and found the body of the girl.

That whole Island is WHACK!

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Me and my friends went in this abandonded pub. Good fun, no bear though. Looked around the house part and there was a bathtub with an Actioman lieing on his back and a rose along side him

Were you expecting a bear, in a pub?

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Me and my friends went in this abandonded pub. Good fun, no bear though. Looked around the house part and there was a bathtub with an Actioman lieing on his back and a rose along side him

I hate it when they don't leave the grizzly behind...


Edited by JDâ„¢
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My house is pretty scary..Built in 1850..apparently 3 of the grounds people from the old days died in here somewhere..

Mine was built in 1792, When myself and my brother and sister were young, my mum used to hear childrens laughter when going up the stairs to bed at midnightish (everyone else was asleep).

My house has a SCARY attic! I NEVER go up there alone....there's no lights up there, broken floorboards and only two windows at each end. there's loads of junk up there and scary shadows..... Some friends and I were playing hide and seek in my house, the seeker went into the attic looking for us. He saw someone move in the shadows but when he went to look he couldn't find anyone. He gave up in the attic and eventually found everyone downstairs. He asked how the one person in the attic managed to sneak past him so quietly, he was a little shocked when we said non of us had gone up there! (the truth).

I was once walking down the hallway downstairs (where I kept my bikes at the time) when I suddenly felt something hit my stomach. I thought I had walked into a handlebar sticking out or something, but there was nothing there. I had a big red mark where something had hit me, I still don't know what it was.

Back in the day my bedroom used to be all on its own at the end of the corridor upstairs (past the scary attic door). One night I heard footsteps coming up to my door and then stopping, I thought someone was messing about with me so I went to look...nothing but blackness!

my house is scary!

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Steve you pussy, get out. :P

Ali, that sounds pretty freaky, I think I'd hate to even stay at your house, I'd never want to live somewhere like that though.

My house is full of noises at night sometimes, but having 3 cats and a dog, I can usually tell it's them, and what they're up to.

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My house doesn't have any specific weird stuff as far as I'm aware, but I can't sleep with my window open now because I swear I keep hearing people in the back garden - and footsteps up the path, but when I take a glance (while making sure I can't be seen) I see no one there. The back gate is almost impossible to get through too, so I KNOW no one should be back there. It's not fox's either, because they wouldn't see the blind move and leg it.

My mate Wills' friend who works near Portsdown Main (abandoned ex MOD testing place) as security (the nearer gate) had a crazy scary experience apparently*. Someone saw someone/something walking about one night so put a call out for him to go and check it out and to detain the person inside. He made his way over the building and could hear some noises upstairs and some footsteps, once upstairs he heard some more footsteps. He finally made it to the top floor and saw the shadow of someone by a doorway, so went barging in torch out and taser out (I didn't know they were allowed tasers? :S ), and saw no one. The window was bolted shut, no other escape route and no one else was in the room.

He immediately shat himself and left rather quickly.

*I don't care if it was a wind up, still made for a good 'Ghost Story'.

Portsdown Main

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Aswell as Trials Riding, I spend some time Urban Exploring (urbex).

Out of the 2,000 pictures I've taken visiting abandoned and derelict places here are a few...

As mentioned by someone else on here, RAF Newton.. visited about 10 times over the past 2 months.

watch tower


Squash Courts



Barbed wire





One of the many abandoned houses





I've got many more pictures of the other buildings such as the pub, old cinema and leisure centre and some of the dog training centre.

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Steve you pussy, get out. :P

Ali, that sounds pretty freaky, I think I'd hate to even stay at your house, I'd never want to live somewhere like that though.

well cheers ali for letting me no after ive stay the night there.

its well big your house, i can imagine if you let you mind run wild in there freaky.

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Recently me and my friends have been checking out a few places local to us. Yesterday we went to an old reservoir and just chilled out, then moved on to an old RAF airfield, where there used to be an air training ground from way back. I've heard stories of bodies being found there, people being raped and murdered in there, all sorts!

One of my mates was camping there last year, and one of them dropped a reciept in there. Police found it and traced it back to him, and had to question him as there was a murder in the woods the same night they were camping there! Just at the other side of the woods to them.

Another one we've been on about, Potterspury woods, down the A5 past Stony Stratford, there's some 'devil worshippers' woods. People I know have been there, driven in, and got stuck in the mud, then got caught by the people in there, being threatened by them to get out their cars etc, and somehow they've managed to escape! People have been chased out of there too. One guy I know was with a mate in his 1l Corsa, got chased out down the track by them in a 4X4, and stopped at a red light, they came up to the car shouting for him to get out, and he drove away as fast as he could. Once he got back to Buckingham, he sat right at the end of Tesco carpark and hid for a few hours.

Guy I know has been there 3 times, caught every time. Even had his keys taken off him, and somehow got them back, no idea how!

The people there threten to take your keys, and then push your car down into a ditch/trees with their JCB, you'll never get it back. They've shot at cars too, I was told someone from Bucks had their rear bumper shot off as they were escaping! Proper dodgey stuff goes on there.

In there, from what I've heard, there's a huge crucifix, a big 'water' tower full of blood that drips on the ground, the ground is soaked in blood and you get covered if you walk through there, there's also a child sized coffin all scratched and battered full of blood. As well as animal heads hanging from trees!

Sounds so dodgey, and not somewhere I'd like to visit, but curiosity could get the better of me...

Got anywhere like that? Similar stories?

Sounds prety much like landowners getting fed up of teens in 1 litre corsas driving on private property to me ;)

Edited by Christophe'
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Without actually going there before, I'm guessing this is it: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&sa...004635&z=18

I've been told there's a barn there, and everything else is hidden within the trees. Also said there's a barn there, so it adds up. Plus look at the track leading in...

I don't want to go in there to be honest, there's always people in there. If I take my camera too I'd probably never see it!

wonder if the people that live in the properties just quarter of a mile away know about this devil worship club.......


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Apparently my neighbours house is haunted, when her friend was staying she went upstairs and apparently saw a pale man wearing a hat quickly go into the bathroom and lock it. She asked my neighbour who the man upstairs was, and my neighbour was baffled, went upstairs and door was unlocked and no sign. Freakkkyy...

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