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Dodgey Places And Scarey Stories.


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the best building ive been in has to be a hotel near my college, went at night, jumped the fence, climbed the scaffolding, got music up there and had a pty on the roof of a 3 storey hotel being made. was awesome

...are you an actor in skins?

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you got me hooked!

My mates parents used to own a Nottingham lace shop there, so the summer holidays when I was younger were amazing being there nearly every day!!! :D

I only wish I'd gone to see it closed down a year before I did when all the rides and shit were still there!!!

Have a read here really good forum that too!

The only thing still there is


Made me smile when I went to MFN (a bar/club that hosts the local chav car meet just up the road from AA) for the first time the other week and the place is littered with big wooden horses, cowbows and indians :P

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By me there is an abandond farm where there is a farm house, normal house and barn. Lots of people go there to drinking but my mate once went there, went upstairs in the house turned around the corner and there was a tramp lying there on a bed. :lol:

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Love exploring abandoned places, used to do it loads, lots of old factories and stuff, we even built a few skateparks and ramps. Did you ever go to the courtroom in Aylesbury Dan? There are loads of massive old factories and warehouses in Wycombe to explore. One of the coolest things was finding a flood tunnel under a park near me, we noticed there was a weird bump in the middle of the park and went into the woods and found the entrance to a tiny little tunnel, was like 3 foot high, went and got torches and crawled along it, which in hindsight was pretty mental as it was a stupidly long way to crawl/if anything had happened no one would have a clue where we were. But yeah anyway, in the end we just emerged in the trees at the back of an old ladies garden, which she seemed pretty shocked by, so we claimed we were looking for a novelty sized tennis ball and had climbed over to look, so she let us out her front door, which was lucky, cos there was no way i was going to go back in the tunnel and the wall was actually massive. You can see the line of the tunnel in this pic, right down the the park on the left with a big circle in it at one point. You can see the raised outline of it on Google Maps wi9ikn.jpg

I'd be well up for exploring these scary woods with you though Dan.

Edited by Iain C
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Went in this place when i was younger, http://www.opacity.us/site77_great_barr_co...ts_hospital.htm

It was well scary, padded cells and all that, weirdest thing was just a random wheelchair in the middle of this huge empty room which i managed to convinced myself was moving

Found some pics http://www.28dayslater.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=1668

Edited by Rich Hill
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I find it nuts an area as big as that AA place hasn't been bought and turned into a load of houses... But then it is in Nottingham I spose :P

You don't think it's more nuts that whole RAF village is there, with houses already built and it's completely abandoned?

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the only story I have is when I was younger, I used to ride by the canal where a company used to keep old loch gates. they had a few barges in the canal too that we would ride.

At the same time a schoolgirl went missing from our town, it was a big thing in our area...a few weeks went past with no sign of her until one day someone from the loch gate company moved one of the barges only for the missing girls boy to float to the surface!

it turns out she had been murdered and dumped in the canal with weights under the barge, the same barge I rode on while she was under there!

The day she was found I was riding my bike about 100m away, I can see the place from my window.

The killer has never been caught.

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You don't think it's more nuts that whole RAF village is there, with houses already built and it's completely abandoned?

Well I just used it as an example, the RAF village would probably have to be partially or fully demolished to be used as housing these days anyways.

My point being, all of these big, flat-ish expanses of real estate sitting there doing nowt while everyone complains about lack of housing, its much better from an environmental point of use to re-use brownfield sites.

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I guess people aren't really building houses at the moment though? My house is two years old and the site is still half finished 'cos they've just abandoned it, and there's loads of other abandoned building sites in the area too.

There's some caves dug out of sandstone near Cosford that supposedly have devily rituals in sometimes, shall go have a look in the day sometime. There used to be some creepy abandoned mansions round here we went in as kids, however Charles Church came and restored them all :rolleyes: About as scary as it got in them was when we opened a door into a big room lit only by the light coming through the roof tiles and some massive bat/ bird thing flew at us... We ran, fast!

I live next to an old mining part of Telford where the land is insanely undulating as a result of old mounds/ excavations, and for centuries it was used by squatters as the absentee landlord didn't really care. When they built telford in the 60s they demolished most of the ramshackle cottages, and now there's lots of camouflaged caravans hidden there down little valleys and in old mine buidings, takes you by surprise when you suddenly realise you're next to one... Never actually met anyone near them (The ones i've spotted anyway...) but i'm sure some weird shit goes on down there at night, probably just typical gyppo activity though rather than a satanic cult :rolleyes:

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A few stories to tell, One of which still scares me sh*tless to this day,to the point where ive actually gone kinda cold inside just recalling it.

Must of been about 13, staying at my mums caravan in wales, didnt really have any rules or much, since it was in the middle of nowhere with fields and rivers around it, about 1/2 mile from a little housing estate and a few houses, or a 2 mileish walk into the local town, where id got a bunch of mates I used to hang round with, because quite often wed go for a fire upriver or what, there was no issue with me coming back home at 11:30-12:00, although dont think mother would be best pleased knowing I was in the local town till that late.

Anyway, about 11:30 i started the 2 mile walk home, out the town, up a massive hill(talking stupid big) over the top and down the other side, the last mile or so of the walk was a footpath along the side of a golfcourse and then some fields, no houses between the golf course clubhouse and the caravan site. about halfway down the hill there was the ruins of a barn about 20 metres from the path, As i was walking past a torch was shone in my face from just outside this barn. I shouted Hello, and the bloke just started walking towards me, at this point I wasnt even considering anything sinsister, thinking it was possibly a lad from the village who i knew, or a local farmer tending to an animal or something. When the person dropped the torch and I could see them under the moonlight, it was clear that they where wearing a hoodie, with a scarve or summit tied round there face. at this point there was probably 5 metres and a barbed wire fence seperating me from them. I took the sensible idea, and ran like feck, back up the hill towards the golf course, I turned round to look behind me as I was jumped a gate a bit further up the hill. to see this bloke who had come to the fence, pacing up the hill, with a torch in hand, with another bloke running about 20 metres ahead of him, they must of been about 30-40 metres back from me.

I carried on running, to the house near the golf course. banged on the front door, but there where no lights on, and no car in the drive. so i pretty quickly gave up hope there, and just kinda ran/fell/rolled/tumbled me way down the hill at the side of their house, into the local kennels(made even eerier by 30+ dogs barking their heads off at me, and security lights coming on as i came round corners). from there i just walked down the entrance road to the main road and walked back into the campsite along the main road, then up the river side. Thinking Id just been chased by some local tramps/skagheads/muggers or something and got away. Found out like 3 days later, that 2 people had got out of the local mental institution about 2 hours earlier, must of walked the same path to the barn that I did, and had been apprehended on the golf course by the greenkeeper and police at first light, after smashing up the clubhouse, letting the dogs free at the kennel and killing a couple of them (cut their throats by all accounts) and smashing up some cars and earthmoving equipment up the hill. I always wonder, what would of happened if Id walked that path an hour earlier, or the bloke had kept his torch in my eyes till he got close enough to the fence to grab a hold of me. or if id just carried on walking down the hill and theyd cut me off at the end of the path. Of course they may of been perfectly friendly and just totally loopy, but im glad I didnt find out.

Other things round there include some old mines we used to go in, nothing creepy in there really, just quite interesting, although we have been in their when our torch batteries have died, which isnt fun, and where a little spooked when we ran into a bunch of like minded, but slightly better prepared adults in there, doing the same thing. (talking headtorches, full on high viz waterproofs, ropes, first aid kits etc) they where perfectly friendly, but suggested we invest in some safety stuff the next time we go down a mine.

had some proper dodgy run ins on the more military side of the place (theres some lad from scotland on here, who posted on here of some dodgy goings on round there, but Im not sure if their just rumours/myths) but the whole area is an old army base and a munitions testing range,(which is quite conveniently extremely close to a nuclear power station, to make the myths even stronger). so we where pretty shocked the first time we went into a concrete clearing surrounded by woods and with a massive drive of the main road(so you cant see any of it, just a road leading into a forest), sealed by a heavy duty military gate, to find about 20 landrovers and some unimogs parked up, honestly thought as kids wed hit the jackpot/stumbled in on a conspiracy theory, turns out they just kind of use it for parking for training hikes.

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Kev, that mental case ones f**ked up.

+1 !

I hate the story Chris' tells me about getting followed home with her mum. It's the "what if" that does me in, I remember watching a documentary about the american killer who used to tie down his victims in separate rooms and torture them and make the other watch, he used to target close families and old couples who were inseparable and torture them by making them watch the others suffer and he'd always make the women watch the men be dismembered and stuff.

f**ked up thinking about it after my mums just popped her head in the door to say good night !

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Kev, that mental case ones f**ked up.

yea, see I always think of it in 2 ways, I was chased by 2 blokes, i got away,end of. dont think into it anymore, and its not even remotely messed up, we all get chased from time to time.

but then i also think about just what could of happened that night. and it scares the shit out of me, as I say, just thinking about it sends chills down my spine. They may of just been out for some random anarchy, bit of window breaking and other childish loutish behaviour, and those 2 dogs turned on them when they undid all the kennels cages. or they could of been totally emotionless pyschopaths who wanted to get me in the disused barn and kill me.

for the record, this is the place.


if you zoom out a bit, all the white oblongs at the top are the caravan site, theres a line of trees going pretty much straight from the bridge on the right, in the second field up on that tree line, just off the treeline is a grey square, thats the abandoned barn they where right next too, following the map down(up the hill), theres 3 oblongs on the left, they where the kennels, and to the right of that is the house i knocked at. ran down from there to the main road on the left of the screen, and the house below the oblongs with the barn next to it is the clubhouse that got smashed up.

Have to say the distances look so much smaller on the map than they are, possibly because of the steepness of the place.that hill i ran up isnt rideable on a bike really. and the road between the golf course and the houses directly below it is steeper again(your looking a 5+ minute walk from the golf course to the first houses on that estate)

Edited by Fish-Finger-er
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My point being, all of these big, flat-ish expanses of real estate sitting there doing nowt while everyone complains about lack of housing, its much better from an environmental point of use to re-use brownfield sites.

And that's why 28dayslater forum is so depressing, seeing all these, in some cases stunning buildies bored up....Just left to, well - die. It's like looking at a sports facility....everything is run down, stuff all over the place, just left, and there is a brand new one across the road. Ridiculous.

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The worst thing is being somewhere in a situation like that, and thinking, sh't, if I got killed right now, how would I ever get found?

Back in 2003 I was in a huge factory, all intact but totally disused, in the middle of nowhere with a friend. It was a crazy night, the wind howling about, and bits of loose roofing and metal striking big metal heating pipes, sending echos and sounds around the place. I think it was about 1am when I was suddenly aware of footsteps on the gravel down below (we were several floors up on a gantry walkway). I hissed at the other guy to STFU and kill the lights, then all was silent. And then the footsteps again, faint but clearly there. Even now I remember being completely gripped by fear - like totally rooted to the spot, thinking what the f'ck do we do now. This movement is between us and the way out - do we wait and see what happens, or creep down, not knowing if we're going to get swung at from behind a door.

My mate said stay, I said go now, while we can, so we did. Just thundered down the stairs as loudly as we could, shining torches everywhere so we couldn't get jumped, got outside and ran like f'ck across this wasteland and up a bank into some trees. I've no idea to this day if it was someone or not - in theory it could've been a large fox, but the noise was definitely footsteps of some kind.

But it's always something to bear in mind - if something happened, who would know? Always pays to tell at least someone if you do get in the sh't, because if you find yourself gagged and bound in the bottom of a grain silo, it'd be reassuring to know that those who'll miss you have a clue where you are.

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if you zoom out a bit, all the white oblongs at the top are the caravan site, theres a line of trees going pretty much straight from the bridge on the right, in the second field up on that tree line, just off the treeline is a grey square, thats the abandoned barn they where right next too, following the map down(up the hill), theres 3 oblongs on the left, they where the kennels, and to the right of that is the house i knocked at. ran down from there to the main road on the left of the screen, and the house below the oblongs with the barn next to it is the clubhouse that got smashed up.

That was great cheers!!! Had 10mins of treasure hunting xD wicked story.

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I'm not sure what the building was but it was a lot bigger than it looks in the pics. Barely any light and to get on the roof you had to stand on the rail of some stairs and climb through a trap door (in hindsight it was a stupid thing to do, but I was young then.) Once you were on the roof you could walk up some metal stairs and across a walkway to the huge round things.

Used to be a huge ramp to quarter pipe in the building on the left, and a big halfpipe built outside. This was until Chavs found it and discovered fire, there were gas canisters in all of the buildings so I'm suprised no one got hurt.

One time the police sealed it all up and bolted all the entrances, but then the skaters found a way in and started building stuff outside. Then the police had a whole campaign of skater hating so it got checked on frequently until it was demolished :(

Not really a dodgy place, but it was cool.

Edited by Mat Tea Why
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