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New Practice Venue Cheshire

lee sutton

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hi there i met some riders at wood fest last week and spoke to craig ??? me dad said to him that if he could arrange a open free ride at the local motorbike trials ground near where we live in cheshire would they be intrested well me dad has managed to sort out a free day there to see if all you riders out there want to have a free day there to see if its good for an event i go there quit abit and there are rocks logs and some big !!!! pipes if anyone is intrested in this just let me know or if anyone knows craig ?? can they ask him to contact me to arrange a date with me dad tks !!! lee

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Is this place near Frodsham?

Does it have lots of concrete pipes going up the hill?

If so I've been there. It's ok for biketrials but nothing amazing. You can tell it's all been set up for motorbike trials is what I mean.

yes it is near frodsham a place called alvanley an yes it is the place your thinking of

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