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I've Been Scammed!

Polish Petee

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Hello, as the title says I have basically been scamed by a premember!! (toxisLee).

I have spoken to him on MSN and we agreed on a deal which was basically a frame and a BB swap. Simple as!

What happened was we have both said that we are sending the frames out the next day which was Friday and sending them by a special delivery which is guarantied next day and is recorded as well. So i went to my local bike shop which does all parcels and sended it out. But it seems like he didn't. Iv been waiting from Friday and it is now Tuesday the frame has still not arrived.

Edited by Polish Petee
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Have you got a tracking number off him? Probably just not got round to sending it yet.

Generally its better to try to resolve the issue with a simple email than go spouting on the forums how youve been scammed :)

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I have e-mailed him a lot! His trying to blank me because he hasn't been on the forum for ages!

Or maybe he's doing other things?

Say he sent it at like 5 on Friday... The EARLIEST it would get to you is today. Nothing happens on the weekends.

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No he said that he hasn't got a mbile.

Or maybe he's doing other things?

Say he sent it at like 5 on Friday... The EARLIEST it would get to you is today. Nothing happens on the weekends.

I understand your point but it is annoing me because he allready got my frame and I haven't got his.

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i was gone to swap my czar frame for his pitbull frame, looked good condition on pictures he showed me and my mate rode with him the other day and said the frame was in his car in box and one of the brake mounts m7 or m8 or something daft, so am glad i did'nt swap cause he dent tell me about the mount, you may get it today as said, but if not get round his and sort it out (Y)

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If its m7 or 8 doesnt that mean its been tapped/helicoiled? :S

No, because if you strip a standard frame thread which is m5 you than need to drill the hole to m5 and than tapp it with m5.8 to leave a space for the helicoil. Because if the helicoil's inside is m5 the out side is obvieusly biger.

m7 outer thread on a insert/helicoil is has m6 inner thread, but my mate said the mount had been strpped and was bigger than the square magura clamp rest =\

???? biger than magura mount???

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FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT !!! lol nah give it a couple of days then go to the police about im sure that i visit from them will sort his arse out!

did you get any numbers for him??

The police unfortunately wouldn't do a thing in this case.

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Right, whack his post code into your SatNav, take a drive on down to his house and claim your prize ;) If this frame of his has f@cked up mounts then just take your frame back - simple..

And show him who's boss for f**king you around :)

if you pay him visit ill come :)

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