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The Smoking Sucks Thread.

Matt Vandart

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I ordered one of these last night...


After trying out a friends and it's pretty damn good - I was always a little dubious about these things but I really liked this one. I've tried all the nicotine sticks before but this uses a vapour which gives the taste and feel of a real cigarette. You basically get an e-fag and the liquid - one drop is pretty much the same as a fag.

Also, these can be used doors and all that...pretty good.

If anyone is interested make sure you use the discount code ECR69 for 15% off. I managed to get the e-fag inc. batteries, atomitizer, charger and 30ml of liquid for little over £30. I doubt this will make me quit 100% but its a nice 'side line' between fags so its a good way to cut down gradually and eventually do without.

Also, the liquid is available in varying levels of nicotine so you can start high and gradually come down.

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What baffles me to the point of making a face like an anal sex is how do people get into smoking in the first place?!

In my case it was pretty much being around friends who smoked - particularly easy when smoking was allowed in pubs and such. It was a point of boredom I think and I assume which is why most people started - who knows, same with why people drink, eat junk food and everything thats addicitive and bad for you.

I was always the guy who said 'Nah, I can have a fag, its fine, I won't get addicted' but I sure as hell did and it's a very costly, dirty, horrible habbit; I really wouldn't like to know how much I've pissed away on fags over the years to be honest.

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Then count yourself VERY LUCKY, the billions of pounds of marketing and advertising and subtle brainwashing by passed you, you did not bypass it.

Advertising for cigarettes has been banned for years. :ermm: And the reason I don't smoke isn't just because the 'brainwashing' (whatever that is) passed me by. :S

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