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The Smoking Sucks Thread.

Matt Vandart

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Smoking is a waste of money and a waste of the respotory system which us trials rider need .

They all have Yelow teeth and smelly breath and there clothes smell of death sticks.

This annoys the hell out of me.

Why do people make such statements? 1. We know!!! 2. We don't care!!! I'm not going to quit smoking because it makes me smell for a bit? It doesn't bother me if I smell of smoke, thats another persons issue.

But anyway, I smoke because I enjoy it. I like finishing work on a Friday at 1pm, going to the pub beer garden and chilling out with a beer and a fag, thats my way of relaxing and I enjoy it.

However, at the same time I hate smoking. I hate it controlling me and costing me so much money. Therefore myself and 2 smoking friends are going to Centre Parcs for the weekend for a complete smoking detox :)

I'll report back on my findings. Fag time!

+1, And i dont even smoke,

I know plenty of people who smoke, and they dont have bad breath or have yellow teeth, Your just trying to look big by talking about something you cleary know nothing about. Its their choice, if there gunna smoke there gunna smoke, Think there going to give a flying f**k about what a 14year old has to say about it by insulting them?

Edited by Connor Powell
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Smoking is a waste of money and a waste of the respotory system which us trials rider need .

They all have Yelow teeth and smelly breath and there clothes smell of death sticks.

stfu? there are ways around most of these problems. and i dont care if it kills me to be honest. i dont expect to live a long time

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Smoking is a waste of money and a waste of the respotory system which us trials rider need .

They all have Yelow teeth and smelly breath and there clothes smell of death sticks.

I have/had a lung issue (non smoking related) that nor smoking has effected my respiratory system I can still out run most people, ride just as well etc. Its not a smelling issue if you wash, you change your clothes regularly and just take care of yourself. We still have personal hygiene as smokers. Yeah some people have yellow teeth, yellow teeth can simply be caused by not brushing them. I reckon your the kinda person who sees the back of the packs and recons all smokers will look like that eventually.

Oh and I changed your font cos it bugged me so much.

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Smoking is a waste of money and a waste of the respotory system which us trials rider need .

They all have Yelow teeth and smelly breath and there clothes smell of death sticks.

Lol, Biast twat, grow up.

This annoys the hell out of me.

Why do people make such statements? 1. We know!!! 2. We don't care!!! I'm not going to quit smoking because it makes me smell for a bit? It doesn't bother me if I smell of smoke, thats another persons issue.

But anyway, I smoke because I enjoy it. I like finishing work on a Friday at 1pm, going to the pub beer garden and chilling out with a beer and a fag, thats my way of relaxing and I enjoy it.

However, at the same time I hate smoking. I hate it controlling me and costing me so much money. Therefore myself and 2 smoking friends are going to Centre Parcs for the weekend for a complete smoking detox :)

I'll report back on my findings. Fag time!

Love you for part of that post.

Lol My teeth arnt yellow, i carry chewing gum, and i only smell right after ive had a fag... wanker


+1, And i dont even smoke,

I know plenty of people who smoke, and they dont have bad breath or have yellow teeth, Your just trying to look big by talking about something you cleary know nothing about.

Really do like non-smokers with this attitude.

Time to stick my two peneth in, i've smoke around 5 years now and i'll be honest with you, i enjoy it, when out on rides and stuff, sit down, chill out and have a smoke, it kind of gives me a reason to have abreak from riding for 5-10 minutes, instead of actually over doing it on the bike, Ive ridden Bike-Trials since before i started smoking and i can honestly say, smoking has had no affect on my riding, don't know about comps or anything because i only ride street and it doesn't affect me.

Also noticed sometimes when out on rides, some people really look down on you for smoking, almost as if they're thinking "how dare you ride trials, your a smoker" an its like, f**k off, its my life. Riders also come up to me "Smokings gonna' kill you"......well durh, i mean ffs, how stupid to i honestly look, yeah it's gonna' kill me, but so what ? I'm gonna die one day and i'd much rather go through life knowing ive lived it how i want and doing what i want, instead of thinking "no i shouldn't smoke it'll kill me quicker", ffs i don't wanna' be in a posistion where i'm 72 and have to be pushed around in a wheelchair, i'd rather just be 6ft under.

My answer to you're question, no i'm not gonna' join the quit smoking scene, purely because i do enjoy it and i don't want to quit, so i wouldn't be able to.

stfu? there are ways around most of these problems. and i dont care if it kills me to be honest. i dont expect to live a long time

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Lol, Biast twat, grow up.

Love you for part of that post.


Really do like non-smokers with this attitude.

Time to stick my two peneth in, i've smoke around 5 years now and i'll be honest with you, i enjoy it, when out on rides and stuff, sit down, chill out and have a smoke, it kind of gives me a reason to have abreak from riding for 5-10 minutes, instead of actually over doing it on the bike, Ive ridden Bike-Trials since before i started smoking and i can honestly say, smoking has had no affect on my riding, don't know about comps or anything because i only ride street and it doesn't affect me.

Also noticed sometimes when out on rides, some people really look down on you for smoking, almost as if they're thinking "how dare you ride trials, your a smoker" an its like, f**k off, its my life. Riders also come up to me "Smokings gonna' kill you"......well durh, i mean ffs, how stupid to i honestly look, yeah it's gonna' kill me, but so what ? I'm gonna die one day and i'd much rather go through life knowing ive lived it how i want and doing what i want, instead of thinking "no i shouldn't smoke it'll kill me quicker", ffs i don't wanna' be in a posistion where i'm 72 and have to be pushed around in a wheelchair, i'd rather just be 6ft under.

My answer to you're question, no i'm not gonna' join the quit smoking scene, purely because i do enjoy it and i don't want to quit, so i wouldn't be able to.

Im sorry what!?

Ive been sort of out of the riding scene for a while and havent been on a big group ride for a long time, but if some idiot Who thinks its ok to talk to me cos neither of our bikes have seats then judge me when he sees me light up, I shall not be a happy bunny.

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Im sorry what!?

Ive been sort of out of the riding scene for a while and havent been on a big group ride for a long time, but if some idiot Who thinks its ok to talk to me cos neither of our bikes have seats then judge me when he sees me light up, I shall not be a happy bunny.

Better get used to it pal. Vast majority of them dont actually say anything, it's how they look at you, you can tell exactly what they're thinking. Sucks i know.

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That's just the way society is in general now. If you're not outside a pub at the time, you will get shitty looks from people when you're smoking. Riders are no different.

Those who smoke, smoke and get on with it without whinging.

Same for those who don't.

I've been both and am currently somewhere in between (oops) and just can't deal with all the bitching between smokers and non smokers.

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That's just the way society is in general now. If you're not outside a pub at the time, you will get shitty looks from people when you're smoking. Riders are no different.

Those who smoke, smoke and get on with it without whinging.

Same for those who don't.

I've been both and am currently somewhere in between (oops) and just can't deal with all the bitching between smokers and non smokers.

Well said JD,

/now back to the reasons that smoking is hard to stop.

Here are mine:



Surrounded by smokers (pretty much everyone I hang out with/work with smoke


Like others have said it appears that I like the actual smoking part but not the dodgey effects.


P:s I also love tits

Edited by Matt Vandart
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Douche Nozzle :giggle:

Nozzle bag.

Anyhow. Not happy, went to that link, and it was about a book, a book i have to buy. That's equally as bad as buying cigarettes.

On another note. Rizla Smooth? Light green packet, never seen them before.

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On another note. Rizla Smooth? Light green packet, never seen them before.

they have been out for like a year, even though they still say new on the box. i really like them, ill buy them over anything else

also. anyone happen to know the least harmful tobacco?

i was always lead to believe it was cutters choice, which was great cos it tastes the best, then found out its banned in alot of countries due to the insane levels of everything in it

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Them Rizla Smooth's are bad, they just give me a sore throat (in a similar way to B&H Silvers do) aswell as making anything you roll with them not quite right for some reason...

I was delighted to see that Asda have started selling small OCB's though :D

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i was always lead to believe it was cutters choice, which was great cos it tastes the best, then found out its banned in alot of countries due to the insane levels of everything in it

You've never been able to get that over here. Its probably not a health thing mind.

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I really want to make the best of this.......What support do you guys have? any help or anything would be soooo appriciated.

Iwant to be free of smoking

Im going to give this my best shot !

My mates sis got hypnotised, drove there had a fag.

hasnt had one since and it was like 7 months ago, she cant stand the smell of them now.

£90quid well spent.

Her mum went with her. it did nothing.

wasts of £90

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I really want to make the best of this.......What support do you guys have? any help or anything would be soooo appriciated.

I'll be available at any time of the day or night to shout abuse at you, laugh and make fun of you and call you a loser for your addiction to death sticks (Y).

You're welcome :P.

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gonna kick it after smokin almost 5 yrs (9 month gap at 18) only 20 so thats pretty bad, still healthy and pretty fit just don't want it in my life anymore, stops me pushin for the fitness i want.

defrinately gonna use the technique i used last time, every fag i had i made myself skip for 10 min when i next was able to.

so if i had 5 fags in one day it'd mean 50 min skipping AKA absolutely killer!

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Ok dudes.

It's a week from Monday that quiting attempt will commence.

I have spent most of this week visiting all my mates that have quit fags and drugs to grill them about how each one did it and why they thought they had these "habits" in the first place.

Got loads of good shit off them.

Will be posting all here all of next week dealing with each of the common "reasons" for smoking.

By the way, I went to the local quack and got patched up just in case, and as I already have a pin and a skipping rope, I'm ready to try anything.


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Right quit day for me has come. Just had me last fag lets see how crap I do at this.

I failed today. I think theres a huge influence from my other half, it just seems right that we smoke together and I saw her today. I will be giving it another shot for sure, but I need some other method than just no cigs. Ill see what I can think up.

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I failed today. I think theres a huge influence from my other half, it just seems right that we smoke together and I saw her today. I will be giving it another shot for sure, but I need some other method than just no cigs. Ill see what I can think up.

This is a serious problem with smoking, at the end of the day you're killing yourselves together.

A major problem in my attempts.

Why do you think Boredom is an excuse/rational for smoking?


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