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The Smoking Sucks Thread.

Matt Vandart

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they have been out for like a year, even though they still say new on the box. i really like them, ill buy them over anything else

also. anyone happen to know the least harmful tobacco?

i was always lead to believe it was cutters choice, which was great cos it tastes the best, then found out its banned in alot of countries due to the insane levels of everything in it

Golden Virginia easily, cutters choice gave me and my old man a bad chest when we smoked it, amber leafs just like smoking a fire and as for samson and drum, thats just nasty shit.

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People who don't smoke get over it ...

Gosh us smokers have a hard time now are days ...can't smoke indoors,in work vans (still do but..),in pubs,clubs can't even walk pass a bus stop which out people going

"cough cough oh smoke is a killer"

Nanny arse state , I think its greece where they have a smoking ban and the greek people say f*ck that and smoke when and where they please and don't get some so called fine .

F*ck me what more do you want...Gets right up my nose when people who don't smoke complain about smokers if you don't like smoke stay away from it simple.

Maybe this should have gone in angry thread

I need a smoke now lol

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People are so shit about smokers... As you mention the bus stop, I was sat in one waiting for a bus, litterally just a bench with a hood over it, just me and sparked up halfway through a cig a woman sits down and informs me I have to move as she hates smoking and being there is just like being indoors. Stuff like that hacks me off.

However I do want to quit alot.... I just need a good method!

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if you don't like smoke stay away from it simple.

Not that simple though, is it? If you like smoke how about you wear a diving helmet when you do it so you're the only person to inhale all that sh**e? That would work...

I'm with the woman at the bus stop... so to speak. Smoking's going through a (forced) perception change in the public eye I think, like drink driving back in the 60's/70's (?) it's slowly becoming socially unacceptable. To me smoking (cigarettes particularly), besides the obvious health issue, just looks really chavvy...

Edit: How come T-F doesn't swear filter sh**e?

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Some guy tried lecturing me once about smoking at a bus stop. i said nothing to him took a step to right about 1 foot so i wasnt "in the bus stop" and continued, he was happy. i was.

Had he asked me nicely "scuse me sir would mind smoking over there please" id have apologised and and stood at a suitable distance.

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Im a smoker and i really want to quit! Ever since i started smoking, I cant run even 200meters without getting seriously out of breath!Its my Bday on thursday, so im thinking from friday, try to not smoke for as long as possibly.... most of the time i dont NEED a fag... but il have one anyways... lol

Hopefully last a couple of weeks... itĺl start getting easier....

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I don't get this... I really want to quit- I'll start next Friday. If you want to quit, just stop f**king smoking!! That or at least immediately start cutting down to fewer and fewer a day until you basically don't need it at all. This 'I'm gonna smoke like a chimney for another two weeks, then stop completely' ain't gonna work! Obviously I'm not speaking from experience but it's just logic isn't it?

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I don't get this... I really want to quit- I'll start next Friday. If you want to quit, just stop f**king smoking!! That or at least immediately start cutting down to fewer and fewer a day until you basically don't need it at all. This 'I'm gonna smoke like a chimney for another two weeks, then stop completely' ain't gonna work! Obviously I'm not speaking from experience but it's just logic isn't it?

It doesnt work like that dave, im exactly the same as you were.

"just quit"

you cant just stop, its an addiction, until you have a real one ull never EVER understand.

its terrible.

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It doesnt work like that dave, im exactly the same as you were.

"just quit"

you cant just stop, its an addiction, until you have a real one ull never EVER understand.

its terrible.

As much as this is true, I agree with him. If you want to quit, do it now. Setting a deadline to "get your head in the right place" is just an excuse and shows you are not ready to quit. If you're ready to quit you will do it NOW, not in 2 weeks.

I can say this as an ex smoker since January 4th 2009. Except the odd cigar, but that doesn't count :P

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"just quit"

you cant just stop, its an addiction.

Exactly, it's not about just quitting in one day and never touching them again (although if you have the willpower to do that then it's obviously the way to go), surely you just need to 'wean' yourself of the nicotine and get out of the habit, slowly but surely. My guess is that most people who try and fail to quit don't necessarily do so because they are addicted and crave the nicotine, I think it's more to do with people thinking it's a good idea to quit but they actually like smoking and want to smoke. The second you get drunk o are with smoking friends it's not an addiction that returns it's that 'damn I like smoking' thought that returns and so, with the help of a little social lubricant, you give in and start smoking again. Yes I'm guessing, yes I've never smoked and never will and no I've never been addicted to anything. Except sugar.

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I LOVE smoking, and want to quit :P

I am also in this situation.......

People who don't smoke get over it ...

Gosh us smokers have a hard time now are days ...can't smoke indoors,in work vans (still do but..),in pubs,clubs can't even walk pass a bus stop which out people going

"cough cough oh smoke is a killer"

Nanny arse state , I think its greece where they have a smoking ban and the greek people say f*ck that and smoke when and where they please and don't get some so called fine .

F*ck me what more do you want...Gets right up my nose when people who don't smoke complain about smokers if you don't like smoke stay away from it simple.

Maybe this should have gone in angry thread

I need a smoke now lol

Yes it should have.

Just to let all you non smokers know... I am easily capable of a sub 3:30 marathon and I currently have a cuban cigar and a vodka in my hands. Jealously is really f**king ugly ;)

Well done, as you have quit, you will probably be able to do stuff like this for a very long time.

Exactly, it's not about just quitting in one day and never touching them again (although if you have the willpower to do that then it's obviously the way to go), surely you just need to 'wean' yourself of the nicotine and get out of the habit, slowly but surely. My guess is that most people who try and fail to quit don't necessarily do so because they are addicted and crave the nicotine, I think it's more to do with people thinking it's a good idea to quit but they actually like smoking and want to smoke. The second you get drunk o are with smoking friends it's not an addiction that returns it's that 'damn I like smoking' thought that returns and so, with the help of a little social lubricant, you give in and start smoking again. Yes I'm guessing, yes I've never smoked and never will and no I've never been addicted to anything. Except sugar.

I'm afraid you have it all wrong, it is purely a drug adiction. The reason why many smokers fall off the wagon when pissed/socialising is because they are addicted to nicotine. It's the "One wont hurt" syndrome that JD is experiencing. One will hurt because it keeps you addicted to nicotine.

JD is probably going to rant but he is still addicted to nicotine.

"I'm not addicted, I can take it or leave it." is a common phrase. Well if you can take it or leave it why bother taking it at all? Why not just leave it?

Because they are addicted.

It's f**k all to do with willpower either. It is physical, your body needs nicotine just to feel normal, just like non-smokers feel every day of their lives.

Evil, pure evil.


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It's the "One wont hurt" syndrome that JD is experiencing. One will hurt because it keeps you addicted to nicotine.

JD is probably going to rant but he is still addicted to nicotine.

"I'm not addicted, I can take it or leave it." is a common phrase. Well if you can take it or leave it why bother taking it at all? Why not just leave it?

Because they are addicted.

It's f**k all to do with willpower either. It is physical, your body needs nicotine just to feel normal, just like non-smokers feel every day of their lives.

Evil, pure evil.


Ahh, but I am a non smoker, however normally when Im drunk, I do smoke. In no way am I addicted, I dont smoke when sober, its literally totally irregular, until this weekend I havnt smoked a cigarette for probably 6-7 months. and before that it was maybe a month. No way is that an addiction. Its drunken stupidity, which is the best form of stupidity.

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You're right. I'm going to rant. Not fully, because you don't seem like it would be a good use of my time...

I can take or leave cigarettes. So I leave them. Simple.

I had a cigar the other night because I'm a slave to looking as freakin awesome as my personality is. I will now probably not have another one till my birthday in November. I am not addicted to nicotine because I haven't had it enough since breaking my addiction. I haven't used nicotine with a great enough frequency to become addicted again.

You're absolutely right about the feeling of nicotine and the effect it has on your body, but once you've broken that addiction you are back to square one - clean slate. I know because I'm there. You wouldn't expect a non smoker to become suddenly addicted after one fag so don't expect it will do the same to me (Y)

Once you've quit properly, stopped talking about it and actually pulled your finger out your arse and done it, then you can preach.

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I'm afraid you have it all wrong, it is purely a drug adiction. The reason why many smokers fall off the wagon when pissed/socialising is because they are addicted to nicotine. It's the "One wont hurt" syndrome that JD is experiencing. One will hurt because it keeps you addicted to nicotine.

I am 100% sure I can take or leave smoking.

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