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The Smoking Sucks Thread.

Matt Vandart

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Smoking is very sociable though. Your more likely to talk to a complete stranger on a night out just because you smoke and are therefore cast outside to do so.

I have met a lot of really nice/decent people whilst being out for a fag.

But yeah i go through patches but never really quit though like il happily go for a few weeks without one then just want one and thats it back on them again.

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My gf quit after reading allen carr's easyway, she got it for a fiver off a local market and quit immediately without any of the common associated side effects. Might be worth a try if youre struggling :)

Unfortunately she started again after 7 months and a drunk weekend with social smoking mates, shes looking to stop again though.

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I feel like stabbing my eyes out with a biro.

Go ahead, I think Ill join you :)

The old bloke is the one who wrote the book about smoking, not the mincing queerfag that needs to be beaten to death with a herd of wildebeast.

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Smoking is a waste of money and a waste of the respotory system which us trials rider need .

They all have Yelow teeth and smelly breath and there clothes smell of death sticks.

This annoys the hell out of me.

Why do people make such statements? 1. We know!!! 2. We don't care!!! I'm not going to quit smoking because it makes me smell for a bit? It doesn't bother me if I smell of smoke, thats another persons issue.

But anyway, I smoke because I enjoy it. I like finishing work on a Friday at 1pm, going to the pub beer garden and chilling out with a beer and a fag, thats my way of relaxing and I enjoy it.

However, at the same time I hate smoking. I hate it controlling me and costing me so much money. Therefore myself and 2 smoking friends are going to Centre Parcs for the weekend for a complete smoking detox :)

I'll report back on my findings. Fag time!

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Smoking is a waste of money and a waste of the respotory system which us trials rider need .

They all have Yelow teeth and smelly breath and there clothes smell of death sticks.

Lol My teeth arnt yellow, i carry chewing gum, and i only smell right after ive had a fag... wanker

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