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Just Saying Hi!

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hey there,

My names Rich and i ride in few places in essex (mainly basildon and southend ! and i ride a Bt raven 6.0!

Ive been riding for about 2 and a bit weeks (well ive had my bike for 2 and a bit weeks but have had a go on a mates a couple of times)

Was searching Google when i found this forum which i think is great! any info i wanted to find

ive found it on here!

So just thought id say hi and show what i ride!







i know the pics are nothing compared to what some of you guys r doing but weve all got to start somewhere lol.

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Hi, I have also joined have been biking for a couple of months, though i havn't actually got a trial bike(hopefully i am getting one this week!) it's fantastic to find a forum like this as it is brilliant to be able to talk to other bikers without there being 'gang' rivalrys. I mainly bike around Norwich. And to be quite frankly honest am a bit hopeless. When i get my bike i'm planning on giving it a paint job (havn't a clue how to though) and while i can do the basics on a bike i dont know what the tequniches are for the more flashy tricks. I was wondering what sort of trial to go for as i spend quite a bit of time biking into norwich(20 miles) and 'cruising' around so i was avioding the seatless varitiy, ant tips would be very welcome. Hi again!

Edited by JokerMan
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