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Hey guys

Just signed up to this forum so thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm Dave, I currently ride bmx, used to ride trials, 20" and 26", I'm in the process of getting myself a new 24" trials bike.

I'm going for a Curtis T24 frame and fork, i thought 24" would be a comprimise for myself as i enjoy both trials and bmx. I will be sticking some pegs on my new trials bike to match my bmx/trials style, I love sliding down rails but also loved and miss street trials which is why I'm settling on a 24".

I'll be looking to meet up with other riders from around my area and outwith.

Edited by The Dark Knight
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I ride both bur 24" still doesn't seem the way forward yet for me. I find a short Mod is the best all rounder, but the large rear tyre is the downside. It's the geo that makes the bike 'street' remember, not the wheel size.

Yeah I did think about going for a mod but been there, done that. Also I can't see mod frames coping with grinding. I slightly disagree about your comment about geometry making a bike street, I feel its more down to the person, as different people like different set-ups, what feels awesome to one person might not for another.

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Yeah I did think about going for a mod but been there, done that. Also I can't see mod frames coping with grinding. I slightly disagree about your comment about geometry making a bike street, I feel its more down to the person, as different people like different set-ups, what feels awesome to one person might not for another.

Hence geo and not wheel size. Not saying your wrong or anything, just since Danny Mac is riding 24" everyone thinks you need a 24" to do tricks. Maybe even before, but now it's just ridiculous.

Anyhow i wouldn't expect any aluminium frames to accept pegs. It's instant death, remember your be running it on a 10mm Alu axle too. That's if you don't buy the Curtis though. But i'd still think wisely about what hub you plan on running.

But best of luck with the build.

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Hence geo and not wheel size. Not saying your wrong or anything, just since Danny Mac is riding 24" everyone thinks you need a 24" to do tricks. Maybe even before, but now it's just ridiculous.

Anyhow i wouldn't expect any aluminium frames to accept pegs. It's instant death, remember your be running it on a 10mm Alu axle too. That's if you don't buy the Curtis though. But i'd still think wisely about what hub you plan on running.

But best of luck with the build.

Yeah aluminium frames are pegs are death for sure! Do you remember the 2-hip pork bmx frame? Ha

I am definately going for a Curtis, just waiting on a answer for a couple of queries I asked them about the frame and fork.

Any decent bmx hub will be fine coupled with a good bmx hub guard and your sorted.

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Yeah aluminium frames are pegs are death for sure! Do you remember the 2-hip pork bmx frame? Ha

I am definately going for a Curtis, just waiting on a answer for a couple of queries I asked them about the frame and fork.

Any decent bmx hub will be fine coupled with a good bmx hub guard and your sorted.

remeber to check rear hub spacing i thing bmx hubs are 116mm And im not 100% sure But Curtis Frame Are 135mm

Get a hope pro II Stick hd Axel in it and wack some pegs on

POW !!

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remeber to check rear hub spacing i thing bmx hubs are 116mm And im not 100% sure But Curtis Frame Are 135mm

Get a hope pro II Stick hd Axel in it and wack some pegs on

POW !!

Checked all that out already, you get a whole host of options with the curtis:

dropouts: vertical or horizontal

rear hub spacing: mtb or bmx

axle slot: 10 or 14mm

Plus a load more options including top tube length, brake mount choice, brake routing, grind plates, seat post size. So many options, so you really can make the frame exactly how you want it.

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hey man im moving to aberdeenshire next week so i will be up for shreding around with you i ride a streety style as well so should be goodgive me a shout sometime . and welcome to the froum

Hey dude, nice one. Doesn't look like I'll be getting the curtis though as I recieved an e-mail back saying they only make the T24 with vertical 10mm dropouts, which means I won't be able to run pegs. I'm still wanting to build a 24" up, possibly a 26", may even build a mod, need to have a think.

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Pedal grinds should keep you on track with your current build?


Never remember the alu frame, wasn't into bmx then. But i'm guessing it never worked out too well? 5lbs though, super light for then so probably wasn't all bad.

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Pedal grinds should keep you on track with your current build?

Not a fan of pedal grinds at all.

I may just build a normal trials bike, but also keep my bmx, too many choices haha

What does everyone reckon? 20, 24 or 26" for me? Personally I'm swaying towards a 24" as Ive a bmx background and wish to have a proper seat........

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