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Read the guidelines -Wanted 26inch Trials Bike Basic....


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as im a new member, i cant yet post on the wanted.

im going to be getting back into trials but cant buy a bike for 6 to 8 weeks time , when i get some more money coming in.

however as a long shot i have a ps3 40g with games and accessories. anyone interested in a swop ? anyone got an oldish bike lying around?

ps3 is 1 year old , like new condition... i have not really used it much apart from watching few blurays, and i have recently purchased a pioneer bluray player.

i have killzone 2 (metal tin) , cod 5 , gt5 prologue, littlebigplanet, race driver grid. also have official bluray remote, and un used official sony headset with dock.

all boxed and excellent condition.

let me know........

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