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What's Your Party Trick ?


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Your best trick (your show off trick ) you know the trick that makes you, you.

Mine was a 180 to the back wheel and do a gap. I up graded it to a 180 gap back witch is, you start on the back wheel do a gap and turn 180 in the air land on the back wheel and gap back to where you started from without any planting hops. Now i,m trying to do a 360 to the back wheel and do a gap iv only pulled it off 5 or 6 times so far maybe more.

If anyone else pulls off my 180 Gap Back (180 GB) let me know please iv done it on two walls but it was not easy all most broke my leg but i did it.

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By the way there is NO! such thing as double jointed its just your tendon's are more flexible then others.

well ill draw a pic to explain my arm Brb!

Edit: My arm! Btw this is true ask someone that knows me!


Edited by LukasMcNeal
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