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Getting Attacked By Bugs?


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Anyone got any weird bugs invading their rooms yet?

My mate's just sent me this:


To quote: "This thing could easily kill me, look at it!"

I reckon it's way too badass to kill, he says it's pretty stealth, doesn't make any noise when it flies about, and he never has a clue where it goes!

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It looks like some kind of wasp, so it could either sting him or lay its eggs in him, but it's not especially likely to, especially if you introduce it to a shoe or a little bit of ignited Lynx Africa.

If I leave my window open and my light on in the evening, bugs invade my room. I particularly dislike craneflies. I mean, I ABHOR them.

Edited by Revolver
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Looks like a Mossie type bug.

It's not, it's not got a needle for a mouth, it's got mandibles.

He's been trying, trust me. It's still pretty cool though, don't you think?

Kinda cool, yeah, but I'd get it to f**k off before I went to bed, if I were him.

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Quick update after some research:

Halfpak™ says (12:16 AM):

Although in most cases the ichneumon wasp is harmless to humans, when trapped with a human hand they have been known to apply a painful sting.

Dαη. says (12:16 AM):

by the sounds of it, it's a pretty sound bug


Halfpak™ says (12:16 AM):

Would you say this is a normal situation?

Or a angry bug with stinger situation?

Dαη. says (12:17 AM):

is your window open?

Halfpak™ says (12:17 AM):


Dαη. says (12:17 AM):

oh shit hang on... you've been hitting it with shoes


Halfpak™ says (12:17 AM):


Dαη. says (12:17 AM):

get rid of that shit now

Halfpak™ says (12:17 AM):


Dαη. says (12:17 AM):


Halfpak™ says (12:17 AM):

You make me feel so much better

Dαη. says (12:17 AM):

that bug will be PIIIIISSSSEEEDDD

I'm so bored this evening...

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Take advice....

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA I could NOT stop laughing all the way through that!

Most stuff in Aus is poisonous! We smash first work out what it WAS....after -if we care.

No, black widows are small, thin-legged, and black with a red patch on their ass.

No, youre both incorrect. I actually posted my reply before reading yours and the other one that youve replied to.

Its a Huntsman. I didnt know you got them here. I thought they liked warmer climates?

Yeah, kill those suckers quickly.

Read my reply down the bottom and check out the links

We have spiders called Hunstman Spiders which can get as big (leg span) as you open hand. THEY scare the crap out of you because they move so fast!

My mate -LOL poor guy- left his helmet out the back when he was younger. He put it on and started riding....

All we heard was a scream as he stacked it. One came out of the helmet and ran over his face. These spiders are STUPID too! Thats the worst thing about them, they run AT you or if scared try to hide. So....screaming....open mouth....you get the picture.... not cool.

They dont kill you, but have a very painful bite.

Seriously, look at the size of these! They come out in summer mainly. Even in the suburbs


Theyre usually brown or grey and furry. Scare the crap out of you.

Its so interesting though watching the battle they have with our hornet. We have big orange hornet wasps. Theyre the tank of wasp species.

They try to attack the spider. Its great to watch! The spiders usually (outside of course) hiding in grass and the wasp is trying to sting it. The spider rears up and tries to defend itself but the wasp just keeps going till its tired or till it can sting it.

Once stung, the spider is paralysed....but alive.

The wasp will drag it up the wall/fence to its little nest/hiding place and lay its eggs in it. The spider stays alive the entire time to provide fresh food for the lavae which then hatch and eat it alive, from the inside out. Crap way to go really

Theres one that got the spider:



http://farm1.static.flickr.com/164/4385312...85bd989.jpg?v=0 (up the wall we go)

Heres a vid of the fight

Now everything that tickles your skin you'll think is a spider or large something that will bite you. Sorry bout that boys! :P

Edited by † CETFLY †
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That spider isn't a huntsman, we only have one poisonous spider, which is the black widow, and the rest aren't capable of biting you. It's a common house spider, I would've thought.

Yeh looks like a big house spider.

Btw since when do the UK get black widows!

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