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The Trials Park!


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Right guys,

As some of you may know, We have managed to get pretty far in getting a trials park built..

We have permission to build it.

We have funding to build it

We have land to build it

and we also have a professional designer to design it.


The guy who i am supposed to be contacting has chosen to start ignoring my emails...

I've sent him Danny Mack videos and news items e.t.c. and he's totally blanked me.

So, what I need is for you guys to email him telling him how amazing the sport is and why we need the trials park


Use the subject "Great Notley Trials Park"

His email address is: alistair.russell@sportessex.org.uk

Feel free to include your videos (again nothing disrespectful)

http://onemotion.co.uk/gtnotley.pdf Designs are there, for reference.

EDIT: If you don't want to send an email, just posting some ideas here would be good :D


Edited by neonneon
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Woah you're not going to help yourself/your cause by putting his email address in the public domain and asking random people to email him. If I were you I'd get this deleted. Would you be more likely to do something if dozens of strangers started emailing you saying what a great idea it is?

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His email address is already public. ;)

It's on the sport Essex website. :)

I think this is a great way to show the sport from multiple views and shows the amount of people that would be interested in the trials park.

Maybe it's a good idea to put a bit of personality into the emails, maybe say where your from, your age, how often you ride e.t.c.


Edited by neonneon
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charlie we dont have fundng as sport4essex pulled out when we failed to get the funding from the essex youth council. it all fell apart from then on.

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Charlie, told you ages ago like 5 months ago they pulled out! They are ignoring you because they proberally have blocked your email after all the emails you have been sending.

They pulled out ages ago, Ill whip out the email I got somewhere.

Man. This hasnt helped our cause lol

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Charlie, told you ages ago like 5 months ago they pulled out! They are ignoring you because they proberally have blocked your email after all the emails you have been sending.

They pulled out ages ago, Ill whip out the email I got somewhere.

Man. This hasnt helped our cause lol

I was never told, this will help us, because of the point I said earlier. Anyway, we have nothing to loose...

charlie we dont have fundng as sport4essex pulled out when we failed to get the funding from the essex youth council. it all fell apart from then on.

We have 10k from BAA...

Ignore the link, dan has redirected it to a rick roll...

And I can't edit the post.

EDIT: I've removed the redirection now.

I don't see what the problem with me persuing the trials park..

We have worked so hard to get further than anybody else has before in getting a trials park, Why stop now? If we fight hard enough, we will get it...

If I want to do it I will..

Sorry about Dan changing the link, I don't see any reason for doing this.


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we DID get offered 5k from baa, but now eveything has fallen apart baa arnt going to give any money :P

charlie, we arnt gettin a trials park, we had a chance but not any more.

when me and theo did the presentation to the youth council they seemed very up for the idea, then a ew weeks later we all received an email saying braintree had already had too much spent on it in the past year (for youths)

i beleive it was 2 weeks later the brantree and witham times had on the front cover 'more money needs to be spent on youths!'

so i dont quite understand the logic of that, but f**k spending 2 years trying to get support again. sport4essex were the key to this, and they were our link to funding and professional planning, they pulled out knowing this isnt going to happen. We all gave up long ago charlie! you may aswell join the club.

edit: ps, lol a rick roll

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we DID get offered 5k from baa, but now eveything has fallen apart baa arnt going to give any money :P

charlie, we arnt gettin a trials park, we had a chance but not any more.

when me and theo did the presentation to the youth council they seemed very up for the idea, then a ew weeks later we all received an email saying braintree had already had too much spent on it in the past year (for youths)

i beleive it was 2 weeks later the brantree and witham times had on the front cover 'more money needs to be spent on youths!'

so i dont quite understand the logic of that, but f**k spending 2 years trying to get support again. sport4essex were the key to this, and they were our link to funding and professional planning, they pulled out knowing this isnt going to happen. We all gave up long ago charlie! you may aswell join the club.

edit: ps, lol a rick roll

As I said, I don't like giving up and I'm not giving up on this....


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so you, are going to go solo and end up getting a trials park built in greatnotley, when nobody at all is actually interested in having it built anymore, and theres no money at all. not trying to be rude, but good luck with that.

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so you, are going to go solo and end up getting a trials park built in greatnotley, when nobody at all is actually interested in having it built anymore, and theres no money at all. not trying to be rude, but good luck with that.

Whats wrong with trying?

I'll speak to a few contacts about funding :)


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I will be sending him an email a trials park that would be the best thing ever

i live in Chelmsford and i would be in the trials park as much as i could be if there was one built

i think neonneon needs as much support he can get he done all this work so far not just for himself

but for all trial riders i think its an amazing thing I'm supporting and i think every one should

keep up the good work neonneon.


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This will go nowhere, trust me. If they were likely to build it, it would have been done already. They obviously aren't willing to spend so much money on a still very niche sport.

Take it from someone who's tried to get a skatepark built before, unless they build it straight away, it's unlikely to happen. And pestering them will just piss them off, you think when this guy gets a hundred emails saying 'A dood sez u can bild us a trialz parkk i want 1 an ma mate damo duz 2' he's gonna be thinking 'Hmm, these chaps have a point'? Nope it's just gonna piss him off.

Sorry to rain on your parade but think about it… they're not interested.

Edited by Bronz
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barrow farm ;) looking great already there waiting on funding too i think

also surely there's a better representation of trials rather than danny mac vid hes mad and all but his riding isnt exactly a pure trials style :P and trials parks by tradition are usually made for more traditional types of trials, not that it matters anymore just nitpicking :P

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This will go nowhere, trust me. If they were likely to build it, it would have been done already. They obviously aren't willing to spend so much money on a still very niche sport.

Take it from someone who's tried to get a skatepark built before, unless they build it straight away, it's unlikely to happen. And pestering them will just piss them off, you think when this guy gets a hundred emails saying 'A dood sez u can bild us a trialz parkk i want 1 an ma mate damo duz 2' he's gonna be thinking 'Hmm, these chaps have a point'? Nope it's just gonna piss him off.

Sorry to rain on your parade but think about it… they're not interested.

Thats the responce I got before i had the land, the permission and some funding...

Look what I got??

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Hi Charlie,

ive been reading through your topic on here, and i know what it feels like to do what you are trying to do.

i feel that people have been fairly out of order with the replys. after all if you gun this guy untill he bursts he will give in, you will get what you want!

most of the time i ride in a small town in the south east called herne bay, we are absolutlly fed up with the police now. to the point where its deppressing tht we cant ride our bikes anywere.

we decided that it was time to do somthing about it. so one of the mums came down and got pasers by to share there opinions on "riding" and get them to sign our partition, by the end of the day, we had around 20 pages of signitures. them we rang the 'herne bay times' and asked they to come down and take pictures, and share our problem/story with the public. they said NO! they thought that getting what we wanted was stupid and would never get it. this mad us really anoyed. we marched down to their office with all the hs33's and tar we could recruit, and we mad as much noise as possible

they came out a said 'ok we will do it' they came down took lots of photos, took a photo of all the signitures, interviewed 'james sheridan' and others. the next week we had a good 2 pages slab bang in the middle of the paper, telling people about our problem.

we then got a phone call from the council saying 'we would like to persue your case' and there you have it working progress is starting somtime in the summer.

see. i depends how much you really want somthing. you will get it if you really want it :)

Edited by Chris - Burman
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