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"you Know What Really Grinds My Gears?"


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People pulling out and then going really slow.

When you can see we're travelling at 40, why pull out making us slam on the anchors for you to go at 20 the rest of the way?

People in cars not giving me room on the road when I'm on the bike (Bicycle, not motor...)

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Wouldn't the cost of a new gearbox be more expensive though? The test is so difficult that I guarantee if every driver in the country took it today maybe 95% would fail, the 5% that pass would be either people still learning or who only passed their test a few months ago. I think they should have re tests every 5 years or so, obviously not as strict as the main one but maybe 2 hours with an instructor and if you get so many majors then you have to have a compulsory lesson. You could also go on a basis of if you do consistently well, you would get lower insurance premiums (no matter what age) rather than the assumption that because your fat, middle age, have hairy ears and drive a Jag that somehow you are a much safer driver.

The test really isn't very hard... I'd say after nearly 2 years driving I could very comfortably re-take with out any lessons. Although luck is a fairly large factor in it, I cirtainly wouldn't call it difficult, if anything it needs to be stricter, I agree about re-tests though, it would make for safer roads.

Cars not giving cyclists space also really piss's me off.

Another one is people who pull straight into the right hand lane to overtake when a speed limit changed up, or a road becomes a dual carrageway, how do they know what speed you're going to go before you're on the road? A tit in a nissan did it this morning, we'd slowed right down because a car in front of me turned off down a steep left hand junction, then the road went strait to dual carrageway, and the car behind pulled strait into the right hand lane to go past and promptly sat there while I accelerated away from him still on the left...

Also people that weight until the very last minute to merge left even when its clear to do so long before the lanes join.

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Old People Moaning;

Another little tanget I'm off on here......

Every argument with an old person refers back to the war!! And you don't pay taxes to repair that wall . . And you probably don't work . . etc

I never get angry when I'm being had a go at - Staying calm often makes them worse! And it's funny to see them boil :)

I try to explain I'm 28, have been working since 16, and I probably pay more tax than them! So yes I do pay for repairs to wall. I help my parents shopping, give friends lifts, give way at zebra crossings, hold doors open.....

BUT OH NO.........

Mr Old Man can't and won't accept this... He's right and Im wrong.

That's when I generally get bored and turned around and say to him...... or her.....

"I'm sorry, I don't speak a word of English"


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Sometimes, just sometimes old people listen to reason.

There was an old bloke in Malvern who always used to complain at us, every time he saw us riding. We tried being nice about it, eventually we got bored with him and basically ignored him or gave him a sarcastic reply. One day, after he had been shouting at us about respect for other people and walls and stuff, Tim properly stared him down and said quite calmly something along the lines of ' Why not treat us with a bit of this respect you talk about and we'll do the same to you'.

For a good few weeks after that whenever we saw him he politely asked us to stop riding if he had to walk close by incase we crashed into him, or generally was quiet. So sometimes reason can just work!

...for the short term. After a few weeks he got grumpy again!

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I still say block shifting is silly, if you want to drive a car properly you need to go through the gears.

Also, it's not possible to block shift in a lot of older cars. I couldn't block shift in my Golf, I couldn't do it in my Discovery either.

Going through the gears gives you complete control all the time because your constantly in an appropriate forwards gear, if your block shifting then your putting excess strain on the engine (IE low RPM's and using the brakes as apposed to engine braking). What would you do if you were "block changing" and were in 5th at 30mph and the car in front had a problem or you had to make an emergency maneuver, you have to think about what gear you need then change gear then make your move. If your already in the right gear it could make the difference between a crash and getting away to safety.

And again, going down through the gears is much better from a performance aspect. Proper drivers always go through the box'.

Edited by Pashley26
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