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"you Know What Really Grinds My Gears?"


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, so in the end i got out, went up to her and explained that id got a trailer on the back, and it was ages to the next gateway or passing place. she pretty much said "well ive only had my car a couple of months,and i havent really done much reversing in it"

And you didn't spark her the f**k out?

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And you didn't spark her the f**k out?

yea because her then callin the cops to piss on our semi legal green laning party would of gone down real well. You wanna know what else grinds my gears, fish's dogs, they look like theyd make cool XC dogs, but he wont let me borrow them, and the 1 constantly denies his obvious steroid abuse.

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i work all over the country and do around 600 to 1500 miles a week in the van.

lorry drivers get on my tits. trying to overtake on dual carriage ways. what is so hard to understand about all lorries beeing limited to 56 mph.

old peple in mobility scooters.i no its stupid but they drive at 5 mph on the road in unpassible places. but im a major hypocrite on this topic as i moan about them being on the pavements.

also people that get mad with learner drivers. we all have to learn somewhere? just give them a break.

oh and coppers that hide while doing speed checking. ok we shouldnt speed, but honestly who on here doesnt speed on large clear A roads? even the police speed on them.

also hypocrite coppers. i got pulled the other day for doing 60 in a van in a 60 zone. only to later follow a much larger police riot van doing 65 down the same stretch of road.

rant over

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Coppers who dont follow the laws on the road. I followed a police car at 45 in a 30 so he indicated to the side of the road i pulled over he decided to tell me i was speedingand could issue me with a fine so i said thats ok mate pen and paper in hand and asked if i could have his badge number after writing down his nuimber plate and said you can give me a ticket but i will be making a complaint / report about the up holders of the law not follwing the law. A few seconds of awkward/tense silence and i was told to be on my way and to watch my speed i said likewise.

I honestly thought i was going to get a fine and 3 more points just for being a bit of a smart mouthed git but it all turned out fine.

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Coppers who dont follow the laws on the road. I followed a police car at 45 in a 30 so he indicated to the side of the road i pulled over he decided to tell me i was speedingand could issue me with a fine so i said thats ok mate pen and paper in hand and asked if i could have his badge number after writing down his nuimber plate and said you can give me a ticket but i will be making a complaint / report about the up holders of the law not follwing the law. A few seconds of awkward/tense silence and i was told to be on my way and to watch my speed i said likewise.

I honestly thought i was going to get a fine and 3 more points just for being a bit of a smart mouthed git but it all turned out fine.

I like that. Very risky, but fair point.

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Driving down narrow lanes when there's only enough room for one car. You meet a car, the palce to pass is closer to the other car. However because I'm a teenager in a saxo and the other car is some posh twat in an expensive car, I'm the one who has to reverse.

Happened a few weeks a go, I just sat there and refused to reverse. I knew the road well and knew there was an entrace about 20 metres behind the other car but nothing behind me. The bloke finally reversed (which took all of about 5 seconds) I said thank you and he called me a little c*nt.

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Driving down narrow lanes when there's only enough room for one car. You meet a car, the palce to pass is closer to the other car. However because I'm a teenager in a saxo and the other car is some posh twat in an expensive car, I'm the one who has to reverse.

Happened a few weeks a go, I just sat there and refused to reverse. I knew the road well and knew there was an entrace about 20 metres behind the other car but nothing behind me. The bloke finally reversed (which took all of about 5 seconds) I said thank you and he called me a little c*nt.

and i would have spat in his face and wheelspun into the distance

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Yer but at least you know it. It's posh dicks that rather than just being a bit inconsiderate actually think they have more right to the road then me.

Same goes for old people on the bus who expect you to move out of your seat. Sure, i'll move for you, your tired old legs probably need to sit down more than mine, but don't be inconsiderate enough to think that i'm moving because i respect you or HAVE to move, i'm doing it because i'm a nice person. Even further, don't then be snooty about it and not say thanks.

Respect is earnt, people like this think they deserve my respect just by being born a few years before me, when all they've done in the short time i've come into contact with them is disrespect me and inspire similair disrespect back.

Edited by Max Quinn
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I think he was pissed off because people like him EXPECT others to move for them. Really annoyed me.

This annoys me everyday, people who have no more/less right than you but feel they need to make a point because they can.

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Also drivers who don't block shift wind me up massivly, and think on decel they have to go through every gear to get to 1.

People who block shift f**k me off.

If your block shifting your not in full control of the vehicle because your normally coasting up to junctions (another of my pet hates...COASTING!), and it's BAD on older gearboxes.

You can't block shift in a lot of the cars I drive due to work syncros and selectors due to block changing.

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bus drivers

almost been knocked of my ped twice these last 2 days, even saw a car drive up a kirb to avoid a bus last week aswell. they just dont give a shit when pulling out. yes they have a huge vehicle, but that doesnt make it thier right of way to pull out in front of other vehicles!


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bus drivers

almost been knocked of my ped twice these last 2 days, even saw a car drive up a kirb to avoid a bus last week aswell. they just dont give a shit when pulling out. yes they have a huge vehicle, but that doesnt make it thier right of way to pull out in front of other vehicles!


They sort of do have a right of way, there's a rule in the highway code that you should give right of way to them when it is safe to do so, especially when they're pulling out of stops. Just apply a bit of logic to it: if there's a bus ahead of you and he pulls into a stop, see if anyone is standing waiting. If there is then he'll probably be stopped a while and you can make it past. If he's just dropping off then its usually a quick halt and away again, if you try to beat him there's a fair chance you'll be alongside or even in his blind spot when he signals to pull out.

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Yeah, I normally let bus's do what they want, after all I complained enough about them being late when I had to get them, no point in becoming the reason they're late now I don't.

However one really pissed me other the other day by using the wrong lane the enter a roundabout, and then when he started merging in to my lane I hooted and gestured at him (waved at him to get back in the right lane, not rude gesture) he didn't even seem to respond at all, not even slightly, just forced me over into the next lane. Fair enough it happens with cars on that roundabout a lot as the lane markings aren't the most obvious, but the tit gets paid to drive that route every day, how can he still be getting it wrong?

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Car drivers who pull out and keep looking in the opposite direction that you are coming from. Women did it to my mate tonight, he slammed his bandit into the rear quarter totaling his bike and doing a flip over the roof. She even admitted to not looking and didnt know he was there till he hit her.

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People who block shift f**k me off.

If your block shifting your not in full control of the vehicle because your normally coasting up to junctions (another of my pet hates...COASTING!), and it's BAD on older gearboxes.

You can't block shift in a lot of the cars I drive due to work syncros and selectors due to block changing.

Sorry, but you have just as much control when block shifting as you do when going through all gears, in fact if you take your test today they would expect/prefer you to block shift!!!

I took my test in January and my instructor taught me at the time that they wont fail you for not doing it, but the examiners would prefer to see you block shift, and this was confirmed by my examiner.

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Sorry, but you have just as much control when block shifting as you do when going through all gears, in fact if you take your test today they would expect/prefer you to block shift!!!

I took my test in January and my instructor taught me at the time that they wont fail you for not doing it, but the examiners would prefer to see you block shift, and this was confirmed by my examiner.

to be honest though the driving test is utter bollocks. I have been in peoples cars who have licenses and felt unsafe because there car control is that shocking (people who have been passed a while aswell, not just n00bs) in a driving test your simply taught to pass the test, not really how to drive (this is another thing which pisses me off) Iv known people who can drive perfectly well fail on stupid stuff, and people who genuinly are retarded behind the wheel to pass (and promptly crash) first time, just because they have the correct sequences jammed in their head. I would agree that you are more in control when running down through the gears, as like Jardo said say you come to a stop at a junction in 5th, from say 20/25mph downwards chances are youl be coasting that 100% on the clutch. Shifting down through the gears means you can pull away instantaniously if needed, and it also helps slow the car gently. Again as Jardo said older cars with drums in every corner etc. down shifting is pretty much a requirement to slow the car because the brakes are shite.

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They prefer you to block shift because they see it as more efficient, by doing less gear changes you are apparently wearing the syncros and clutch less. To be honest, there's a few things you have to do for the test that just don't apply to daily driving. Like not crossing hands, and shuffling the wheel....

I don't tend to block shift, I like using the engine to help me brake. I don;t see others not block shifting causes a problem. The only time I tend to block shift is 5th to 3rd, and its not to slow down :P

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in a driving test your simply taught to pass the test, not really how to drive

That's one of the major differences I found when I did my bike test. I was asking the instructor really quite stupid questions about whether it's ok to let go of the bars to wipe/raise/lower your visor in the test and he looked at me as if I was mad- 'well if it's dangerous not to then just do it...'. In the bike instruction/test they're far more open to how things should be done to be safe and stay in control rather than worrying about whether you cross your hands, block shift, check your mirrors 15 times a minute (regardless if you actually see anything, so long as your head moves) like they do in driving tests.

They prefer you to block shift because they see it as more efficient, by doing less gear changes you are apparently wearing the syncros and clutch less.

At the expense of brake pads and discs... I always go down through the gears but then that's how I was taught and it makes sense to me.

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I go down the gears normally, mainly because I only have 4 anyway, and I can't shift into 2nd at anymore than 30 because the syncro's going and it crunches!

Out driving earlier, I come off a roundabout and have someone in a huge Mitsubishi Shogun come firing round me on the white hatched lines, just to then sit a few yards off the back of a lorry I was following! Then he nearly had several head on crashes trying to peer out to see if he could go.

What he could see though, was the other lorry, 2 vans, and a land rover and trailer that the lorry infront of me was following, so even when he did go to overtake, I know he wouldn't have had time to do all of those before the next roundabout! Muppet.

I got past him on the lights onto the dual carriageway anyway. B)

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At the expense of brake pads and discs... I always go down through the gears but then that's how I was taught and it makes sense to me.

Wouldn't the cost of a new gearbox be more expensive though? The test is so difficult that I guarantee if every driver in the country took it today maybe 95% would fail, the 5% that pass would be either people still learning or who only passed their test a few months ago. I think they should have re tests every 5 years or so, obviously not as strict as the main one but maybe 2 hours with an instructor and if you get so many majors then you have to have a compulsory lesson. You could also go on a basis of if you do consistently well, you would get lower insurance premiums (no matter what age) rather than the assumption that because your fat, middle age, have hairy ears and drive a Jag that somehow you are a much safer driver.

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Wouldn't the cost of a new gearbox be more expensive though? The test is so difficult that I guarantee if every driver in the country took it today maybe 95% would fail, the 5% that pass would be either people still learning or who only passed their test a few months ago. I think they should have re tests every 5 years or so, obviously not as strict as the main one but maybe 2 hours with an instructor and if you get so many majors then you have to have a compulsory lesson. You could also go on a basis of if you do consistently well, you would get lower insurance premiums (no matter what age) rather than the assumption that because your fat, middle age, have hairy ears and drive a Jag that somehow you are a much safer driver.

I took my test in July last year for the 2nd time. The first time was in June 2004. I passed both times, and the 2nd time I had just one lesson on the day and passed with zero minors.

Just because people don't normally drive as per their test doesn't mean they couldn't if they needed to ;)

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I took my test in July last year for the 2nd time. The first time was in June 2004. I passed both times, and the 2nd time I had just one lesson on the day and passed with zero minors.

Just because people don't normally drive as per their test doesn't mean they couldn't if they needed to ;)

Good point, but you did learn fairly recently (within a few years). I bet people who have been on the road for longer (and passed when the tests were easier) wouldn't be able to pass the modern one. On the subject of annoying driving habbits, I can't stand it when people don't signal in good time. This annoys me because it effects me if I'm driving, cycling or walking and it only requires pulling a little lever.

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