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"you Know What Really Grinds My Gears?"


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Afternoon all.....

Right I know this is me getting on a pedestal so to speak, but it's been bugging me more and more recently, that I feel I have to say something to see if I'm on my own on this........

I spend up to 4 hours a day driving for my work, and there's not one, but 2 main things about drivers on the raods that really grinds my gears

1) 40 MPH DRIVERS - NO matter what the speed limit - 20,30,40,50,60,70mph, the only speed these drivers know (Normally old couples in Fiat Panda's, Vauxhall Corsa's,etc) is 40 mph. They never speed up on a long straight to the national limtit, even though there are no obstructions, nor do they slow down in school zone's,etc. They brake about 7 years before any corner, causing a ripple effect with cars laging behind into 2027, and then they have the nerve to flash or beep you if you overtake!! I'm sorry but it's people like this that cause accidents, cause they wind other drivers up - If it's safe to do 60, then bloody do it!!

2) MIDDLE LANE HOGGERS - I spend a hell of a lot of time on the motorway for work, and even more annoying than the 40'ers are these people. Normally going slower than the slow lane, nothing will ever move these people from the middle lane! - This is even if the left hand lane is empty!! The rules of the road clearly state that middle and right hand lanes are for overtaking only!! Whatis with these people??? God forbid if you flash them to tell them to move!!!!!

Pedestal movement over and done with! It justreally grinds my gears!!!

Anyone else feel the way I do??

Maybe we could start a " You know what really grinds my gears?" thread???



Edited by hill_393
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This, annoys me more than I can possibly even begin to explain!

As much as people who "wave you down" when your doing 40 through a country lane and they see it as "TOOO FAST" ?

I normally drop it down into like second and then floor it whilst shouting WANKERZZZZ at these sorts (IE Pompey ride haha)

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This, annoys me more than I can possibly even begin to explain!

Had a guy a while ago who I followed about 8 miles with his rear fogs on blinding me, I repeatedly flashed him trying to make him notice... again.. and again... and again.. then eventualy I overtook him purely to get his fogs out of my eyes and to flash mine in front of him (I don't have front fogs to flash at him) so he responded to me perfectly sensible overtaking by fullbeaming me until I was out of sight...

Whoever that was.. cheers bell end.

At least they probably felt like a complete moron when they eventually noticed/got told they had their fogs on.

Also yeah, the 40mph people annoy me more, because its actually dangerous, if you don't feel confident enough driving a car at more than 40 even under safe conditions, how can you possibly feel you are able enough to drive at 40 through an area officially deamed to be unsafe to go faster than 30 in.

Just like to add another point, articulated trucks that seem to think that because its a down hill, 30 signs mean to let off the accelerator and coast down to whatever speed you end up at, rather than actually brake before entering the speed limit. Despite the fact that usually results in 15+tons of truck hurtling past blind side turnings and housing estates at 40+mph.

Edited by RobinJI
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people that dont put their full beams on at night when you are following them are f**king annoying, 40 mphers can f**k off, middle lane drivers can suck my left testicle and people who dont know how to take their full beams off whilst behind you, seriously. then next time it happens, if its more than a mile im gunna slam on my brakes get out the car and actually rape them. i dont even care who it is. man, woman, child. you're only gay if you take it, so im immune. c**ts

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Id have to agree with people who cant dip the full beam lights after you over take. I have followed someone for a good 10 miles(full beam on) after they had over taken me with their lights on full.

Tailgater's.... these f**king annoy me to no end. impatient mother f**kers. so tempted to slam the brakes on(if i didn't have to rely on my car everyday of the week).

Women drivers... not all of them, but the ones that think its ok to do their make up instead of drive... do it in the house before you f**king leave!!!!

People on mobiles while driving! I dont mind if its a quick, im stuck in traffic im going to be late, but when your trying to navigate lanes and cant control the car properly its just dangerous.

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At least they probably felt like a complete moron when they eventually noticed/got told they had their fogs on.

I think you'll find that they continued blissfully unaware of that until the end of the journey, at which point they told aaalllll their friends about your 'bloody dangerous' display of the lack of respect from the youth of today. The fact is that all the drivers everyone's describing simply don't have a clue how to drive. Those who drive at 40 everywhere simply don't know any different. If you were to stop one in a national limit and ask them the speed limit and how fast they think they were going, they wouldn't have a clue. Likewise middlelane hoggers- I bet if you were to actually stop them and ask why people keep undertaking them/cutting across their noses into the (empty) inside lane (:-), they'd just tell you about all the dangerous wankers on the roads today.

I would dearly love for someone to do some research on not how many accidents are caused by excess speed, but how many accidents are caused by slow drivers forcing people trying to make progress to overtake them in dodgy spots. I've done it so many times- I get so wound up by them that any space becomes an overtaking opportunity and I bet a lot of head on collisions happen because of it.

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1)People who come up behind you, normally in exec. cars (mercs. audi s3,4,5s, disco 3s etc.) on a dual carridgeway when you are doing like 80 odd 70, and get right up your ass and flash gesture etc. Someone did it to me the other day, I eventually let him passed and he went straight into the slow lane and then into a services station. (maybe he really needed to get the broom handle out of his anus that was causing him to be such a stuck up wanker?)

2)The 40mph folk, I dont mind people towing etc. but old people who wont exceed that.

3)The old bloke the other day who had a go at me because i had parked "too close to a disabled spaces line" when i was clealy within my lines, not to mention there were 2 more totally empty disabled spaces free, AND he wasnt even disabled, unless being an old wanker is now classed as a disability? Who knows.

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I have only been driving 5 months but drive pretty much every day and the 1 thing that really gets on my tits, is people who think because they have indicated they have a right to move across into the lane that want to, even if you are in their way!!! they seem to indicate and just move without looking or thinking!!

The middle lane hoggers as per first post dont really bother me as its easily solved by moving to the outside lane to take over them, but when they are on national speed limit country roads and doing 40 really does annoy me.

Also get pretty hacked off when people dont read the lanes properly, we have a large round-about near me between M606 and M62 (chain bar roundabout for those who know it), and the lanes flow really well when people know the lanes, but if people dont wknow them and dont watch the lanes properly, they end up almost in the side of people and then blame you!! For god sake people learn to look what your f**king doing.


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1)People who come up behind you, normally in exec. cars (mercs. audi s3,4,5s, disco 3s etc.) on a dual carridgeway when you are doing like 80 odd 70, and get right up your ass

Yeah, that drives me mad too. The amount of new Passats I've seen driven like this is beyond normal. I actually hate those cars with a passion because of that. Not only do they have f**king strong headlamps which are really annoying in the evening or at night, but they also have led brake lights which are almost as blinding as fog lamps. They're driven by idiots who talk over the phone all the time, tailgate you and constantly look out for a chance to overtake but never actually overtake.

I also hate it when people manifest their dissatisfaction when you leave a gap in front of you while driving slow in a traffic jam. I've got a mighty heavy clutch in my car, if I was to change gear, accelerate and brake all the time just to keep as close to the car in front of me as possible, I'd be sidehopping higher than Damon right now or would have a completely f**ked knee. Why not maintain a constant low speed at tick over? That's why I like driving behind lorries in jams, they rarely brake or accelerate.

edit: oh, and I hate Civic and BMW E36 / E30 drivers. They're usually young and stupid, constantly change lanes in traffic to get ahead of other cars. And they don't just indicate that they want to change the lane and wait, they indicate right after they've started the manouver. f**king tossers. Obviously a generalisation but it's so common for drivers of these cars who are usually of a certain age group and treat their cars like a performance vehicle which only has a miserable 4 pot engine and an exhaust so loud I can't hear my own radio.

Edited by Greetings
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Most of my friends f**k me off when they give me lifts. I don't know why but they always feel like its matcho to drive at high speeds.... but technicially awfully....

When I drive "quickly" I make sure my driving is technicially perfect, perfect lane discipiline, using mirrors excessivly to check its ok to slip out of lane on a bend, rear veiw to check for 5-0, looking as far in front of me as i can, anticipating the road, and only driving like this "in the right places"

Whereas these guys do it all the time, and pay no attention and will text and change their MP3's while driving like this and think its great driving.

People who drive in hats. Unless it's an eastern European thing only, you'll know what kind of drivers they usually are.

:$ guilty as charged, I always have a hat while driving! haha usually my dopy stoner wooly hat lol

Also drivers who don't block shift wind me up massivly, and think on decel they have to go through every gear to get to 1.

Edited by Simpson
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Also drivers who don't block shift wind me up massivly, and think on decel they have to go through every gear to get to 1.

I often go down through the gears, because i use the engine braking to slow myself aswell as my (fairly poor) brakes.

I also wear a hat sometimes, also a wooly number with some tassles.

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Summer's here, so I'm in mellow mode as I know full well that 90% of the people I'll see on the roads can't drive.

They should definitely include more reversing in the test though; the times I've gone back a mile or so because someone couldn't go ten yards :rolleyes:

Seconded, I once had to reverse about 400 metres with a trailer on(anybody who reverses regularly with a trailer will tell you how its actually harder to keep the trailer going in a straightish line going backwards, than it is to actually stick it in a spot where you want it), me and some women came head on down a narrow country pass, we both stopped, she didnt move, despite me gesturing to her to look behind my car, so in the end i got out, went up to her and explained that id got a trailer on the back, and it was ages to the next gateway or passing place. she pretty much said "well ive only had my car a couple of months,and i havent really done much reversing in it"

Like some of us do a lot of reversing, hell sometimes i drive to work backwards, generally most of us dont do that much reversing. and surely sometime in the 8 or so weeks of you driving that vehicle, you got some idea of how big it is, and which way to turn the wheel when your going backwards.

Add to that the fact that once i eventually reached the passing place, i reversed back past it, either expecting her to pull into it, or just so i could go into it forward with the trailer. she pretty much just stayed a metre off my bumper, in the middle of the road.

Other things that annoy me, people who dont use mirrors at all, the amount of times ive been in a car with someone and a motorbikers sat on their rear quarter panel, and ive noticed them before the driver.

and people that leave indicators on for excessive amounts of time, you turned right out a junction half a mile ago,just because it hasnt self cancelled, try cancelling it yourself.

oh, and the RAC/AA who insist on towing with full beacons on, and hazard lights going. your a feckin brightly coloured panel van with reflective strips all over you, youve got your beacons going full blast, your hardly mr inconspicuos. So why do you insist on having hazards on, not telling us bugger all, other than "im towing", well the feckin car on the back of your vehicle, on a towing dolly kind of gives that away, and the beacons kind of give us a little hint. personally id rather have you tell us which way your going to turn, and when.

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People who step out into the road when there is a crossing about 10 feet away.

Old people who just step out in the road, looking straight ahead without a care in the world. (I think that's the attempted suicide one though)

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