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How To Strip Anodized Rims


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Another vote for oven cleaner! Mr Muscle is a good one to use. Just pour it in a pot, sit the rim in it, and turn it bit by bit until it's all off.

Whoever said it'd rust, they're wrong. Aluminium can't rust, and you can only anodize aluminium. ;)

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Ok, the rim is on a wheel, so i cant soak it, cause the spokes are black and i wanna keep them that way. Ill try the caustic soda (lye)

Caustic soda and aluminium produces hydrogen so do it outdoors and dont smoke ;)

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sorry but why not tape the spokes with some sort of stupidly strong tape to keep the colour that is of course if oven cleaner wont unstick the cellotape?

Edited by Nick pyke :)
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It would defeat the purpose of having ceramic coating on the braking surfaces of the rims in the first place, but it can be done, it just means you've paid twice the money for the same braking performance as a non-ceramic rim with a ground surface :)...

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i was told that my rim (when i had) it was ceramic and you cut grind it, it was silky smooth it was a monty 221pr wheel set ducty gold/champagne colouring.

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