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Video Camera Recommendations


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Please can you educate me in the ways of video cameras! I'd love your recommendations and suggestions of what you've found works well enough. It doesn't have to be all singing and dancing. Something basic would be enough!



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The Sony DCR SR range gets a good recommendation from me, to cut a long story short, it is a standard definition camera that records to hard-drive (the different models determine the size of hard-drive).

Really its aimed at people who would use a video camera for everything and use it as a storage means as well.

I've got the SR55e model, which has a 40gb hard-drive (Even if I stored all my videos on my camera after filming them, I doubt that would be anywhere near full), I chose it over tape as I don't have the hardware (firewire) needed for tape transfer, its easy because I plug my camera in and take the clips straight off the camera.

It's an older model now, so you might be able to get a good deal on one, but mine cost me £280 new from Amazon, and this is the quality I am getting with it.

EDIT: Just checked, their newer model is nearly the same price but double the capacity. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-Handycam-DCRS...=dp_ob_title_ce

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The Sony DCR SR range gets a good recommendation from me, to cut a long story short, it is a standard definition camera that records to hard-drive (the different models determine the size of hard-drive).

Really its aimed at people who would use a video camera for everything and use it as a storage means as well.

I've got the SR55e model, which has a 40gb hard-drive (Even if I stored all my videos on my camera after filming them, I doubt that would be anywhere near full), I chose it over tape as I don't have the hardware (firewire) needed for tape transfer, its easy because I plug my camera in and take the clips straight off the camera.

It's an older model now, so you might be able to get a good deal on one, but mine cost me £280 new from Amazon, and this is the quality I am getting with it.

EDIT: Just checked, their newer model is nearly the same price but double the capacity. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-Handycam-DCRS...=dp_ob_title_ce

I have an Oregon Scientific ATC2K for sale if youre interested? It only been used a few times. Has straps and clips etc to mount to your helmet, bars, frame etc. Uses 2 AA batteries and a 2Gb SD card.

I'll get a link to mine. Audio is poor due to it being water proof. Its tiny, very compact.


I paid over 100 for it new :(

Here it is in action

check out the other under water vids etc underneath that vid too.

You can here things, just not good enough quality. More so for filming then adding a song too like most people do.

Edited by † CETFLY †
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