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Stress, What To Do About It?


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I find stress can be good, and increase productivity if you can focus it on your work. If it gives way to some kind of depressive state, things get a little tougher and you start losing the will to work on stuff.

If you're finding it hard, try and keep things in perspective. I had some stressful times at college and university, but I just kept pushing through it. Try and see the positive side of failures if there are any. Easier to say than do, granted, but these things aren't meant to be easy. And besides, the harder the climb, the better the view. Or some other analogy - there must be many.

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Yer thanks alot guys, theres a few ideas ill give a go, but i think the main root of my stress is my ex, shes makes me angry, so i rush things and f**k it up! ive been fine alll nite, then i see more of her moaning and god its get to me so badly.

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You say you have been using substances, so you need to replace your seratonin and dopamine. There are also many studies say GABA helps with stress, available everywhere and it's cheap.

When you roll or get drunk you use up the substance that makes you feel good. Unless a person eats like 9 pounds of red meat per month then you will eventually run out of seratonin.

5-htp is the common answer to this problem, although you would need to find a sub lingual product, because stomach acid destroys it. This is the only one I know of, and am not sure if it's available in Europe. I eat them almost daily. www.craniyums.com I have a coupon code if anyone wants to check them out.

I would also suggest a few omega 3 capsules to help relax your brain.

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Yer thanks alot guys, theres a few ideas ill give a go, but i think the main root of my stress is my ex, shes makes me angry, so i rush things and f**k it up! ive been fine alll nite, then i see more of her moaning and god its get to me so badly.

Haha, when my ex left me i just did really adrenaline building stuff. I climbed i tree that was f**king scary right to the top all on my own because i was in a super depressive ' i dont care if i die mood' was bloody awesome, also ride as if your invincible, try and drop 14 sets etc. thats what i did.

I barely ever get depressed and when i do my skin f**ks up because i've got psioriasis, so i basically have to stay unstressed......

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I would go to the woods and ride there, the smell of pine is supposed to make you feel relaxed apperntly. :S

That's what I do. And I believe the smell of pine theory. The shade from the sun can cool breeze is good too, especially this time of year.

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Thats not actually a bad idea.. Punch bag?


I'm pretty laid back and don't stress too much, but a 100 pound bag is my ticket to freedom when I start to unravel. Wrap up the old hammers and wear yourself out in 5 minutes time. A cold beer afterwards for bonus points.

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When I get streesed, I find going for a big walk by myself and listen to some Hardcore or Metalcore music e.g. August Burns Red. It helps to get you into a mellow mood and a happy state (Well, me anway).

And, I know its sounds super girly and wimpy... A good cry never hurts.

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The closer i get to finishing my college work and forgetting bout my ex, this whole stress thing is starting to calm its self a bit now.

Cool, but yeah:

How do you see her moaning?

I don't mean that in a grammar pedant way, just like how do you see what she's saying?

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